Sakurai's Weird Gracie Bashing

This is what Hayato Sakurai said on the Official Pride Website regarding his upcoming fight in Bushido against Crosley Gracie:

"The Gracies are experts at boring fights with no striking, where they just flop around on the ground. Crosley seems to be aggressive and good at striking so I'm excited. He's supposed to be the best striker among the Gracies but he is a Gracie so he may still fight a boring fight. I think this is a holy war to defend BUSHIDO. If he fights like a Gracie, I'm going to be a suicide bomber."

Interesting huh?

yeah, the gracies can be boring, no doubt, but his comments about a holy war and suicide bomber are what caught my attention. i think its a little strange.

link? I didn't see the interview on the Pride page...

Sakurai has lept, Sakuraba style, over the prone body of the correct and landed on it's face, in a two footed skull crusher death stomp.

If he's stating facts he's Gracie bashing?

yes stringerbell...

"they just flop around on the ground" is a very precise, factual assessment of ground grappling

Gracie's strike from the mount...

Sakurai was the one that made the Rodrigo fight boring (even though I persobnally liekd it).

Anyway it just sounds like he's trying to get Crosley to stand with him (which he will). That and bitterness.


Muscians think differently than the average Johnny Lunch Pail.

a few of the newer to mma gracies have good striking and exciting styles

"over the prone body"

actually sak would just over supine bodies, but whos keeping track? ;)

but he is right for the most part. Ryan is also exciting though.

That pretty much covers it..... :-)

Sak is a DUMBASS. If the Gracies are boring fighers and he is such a good fighter, then why doesnt he make the fight exciting and CONTROL the fight? If you can control the fight you can make it exciting. But obviously the Gracies control who they fight and so they play their game... and win (usually).

3 years ago there would be 8 thousand people on here freaking out someone bashed their idols... HOW DARE YOU... nice to see people are starting use their fucking heads... also id bet it’s a tactic to get the Crosley to throw some punches and fight rather than clinch, hug and hope for a decent position…

LOL, Sakurai looked boring when he was getting owned by Silva and Hughes.

"Sakurai was the one that made the Rodrigo fight boring (even though I persobnally liekd it)."

Really, I don't think Sakurai was the one who layed and dry humped his opponent for 20 minutes.

"Sakurai looked boring when he was getting owned by Silva and Hughes."

Jesus IronLung why do you even post, it just makes people realize just how little you know about this sport.

Well if you want to go down that road, Newton looked boring as fuck against both Hughes and Silva.

So whats your point??

Just cause a guy gets dominated and can't really put up a huge amount of offence he's boring??

Nice Logic.

and I agree with Reno.

The Hughes/Rodrigo fights were boing because of them.

I didn't see Hughes or Rodrigo going for spinning kicks did you......?

I just think it's funny that everytime Ironlung posts, his post alaways starts out with "LOL"... GOD that redneck is irritating.