I started following another black belt in insta & really started looking at what he was doing. He's under Roger, so he's definitely legit. But, he's phenomenally strong.
I started using bags & stones both & the return I've gotten had been more than surprising & rewarding.
Anybody else into them?
Raspberry ape? Haha
Not sandbags but I have a 100 pound slamball I use quite a bit, and big fan of all sorts of loaded carries in general
Yes sir, love his content. Odd & primitive lifting. That alone has really changed the functional strength application for training.
Thanks for the video Mongrel. Good stuff!
I’ll have to check that book out he was talking about. I have pretty short arms I’m 5’5" & I can’t get my hands locked on my bags. So as I’m not just being all the benefits of the loaded carry, my “clamp” strength has really increased since incorporating the bag work. I’ve always been physically strong, but now i have people asking what I’m doing with my training. It’s been a great strength transfer & firmly believe that the return for the work put in is greater than the effort put out.
I usually work out with calisthenics and kettlebells in my home. I don’t want to get barbells, so I was looking at sandbags and discovered you can get some that go up to 400lbs. I’m aiming to go hard into sandbag training in 2023.
Whoa, fantatic video! thanks!