Schaub calls out...


Jeez, this dude needs a new nickname.  How about Turok because he is a dinosaur hunter.

Lol at Dino hunter. Phone Post 3.0

I'm still wondering how he managed to build up the courage to call out a guy who is 0-4 in his last four and hasn't won a fight since 2011. ;-)

Frank may be at the tail end of his fighting career but he still puts an ass whooping on Schaub.

I thought he was going to be calling out Hélio Gracie on the next metamoris card.

Lol. Turok! VU for you sir. Phone Post 3.0


Also, Frank starches him. I hope it happens.

And he wants on the next Metamoris show. Seriously??? He didn't even show up the 1st time. Phone Post 3.0

I have a feeling Turok will stick, voted up, lol. Phone Post 3.0

Lol @ Turok, have a VU

Mur vs Turok Phone Post 3.0

Frank beats him standing and tools him if they hit the ground Phone Post 3.0

Great job OP, you know that's going to be a UG classic haha Phone Post 3.0

Make it happen!
Build Mir back up, or he can retire with a W Phone Post 3.0

Id actually root for Mir. He needs to stop calling out the old guard. Phone Post 3.0

ImTheSandMan - Dinosaur hunter, lmfao. Have a vu Phone Post 3.0

I'm a Schaub fan but I don't know what a win over Mir will do for him, besides keep him employed with the UFC a little bit longer.

I will also be issuing a VU because of the awesome Turok reference. Well done op.

Silvia vs Schaub. Do it Dana! It'll be just as good of a match as Arlovski. Phone Post 3.0

BTW did anyone ever play Turok or Turok 2 for the Nintendo 64? Awesome games but hard as shit!

lol after mir i bet he wants a BIG NOG REMATCH

MexiCain AmeriCain - Frank beats him standing and tools him if they hit the ground Phone Post 3.0

but what if he tries to "Shut him down" against the fence?

aka not engage him at all, stall as much as possible