Schaub says UFC doesn't need Dana

StrikingMMA -
Mshi - Schaub having a go at Dana again, mainly over his Woodley comments. Criticizes him for wanting to be a star.

Talks about Dana being the warden in Shawshank Redemption again lol.

Starts at 10.20 just in case my time embedment doesn't work on the UG.

Thanks mate

shaqitup -

For everybody that says nobody could do a better job, do they have any specific examples of Dana making s good move for the UFC ?

One good thing he did was convince the Fertitta's to buy the UFC...

brahmabull81 - 
tenchu - 
Mshi - 
Giventofly99 -

Not a schaub fan but hard to argue. With no Fertitta to reign him in DW s acting like a 5th grader more and more. Making a run at his champ is absurd andni though Elias artcile summed it up really well. Not sure why Elias gets so much slack on here...

I think he had the right to complain about Woodleys performance though


Dana telsl it like it is and doesn't talk like a politician.

We're fortunate to have this type of access and disclosure from a sports organization president.

Dana telling it like it is????? You have to be fucking kidding me...................

Are are you a retard?

But your response suggests you might be.

I couldnt find anything saying that Dana was against TUF but will take your word for it. It did say that Spike went with UFC instead of K1 for their reality show because of Dana's personality though. Thought he was like Vince McMahon.

Mshi - I couldnt find anything saying that Dana was against TUF but will take your word for it. It did say that Spike went with UFC instead of K1 for their reality show because of Dana's personality though. Thought he was like Vince McMahon.

he was, there is a video floating around of him scoffing and laughing off ever doing reality tv.

the story is covered well here and there were many threads about it.


and regardless of what dana said, let's not foget how well he stands behind his word

Mshi - I couldnt find anything saying that Dana was against TUF but will take your word for it. It did say that Spike went with UFC instead of K1 for their reality show because of Dana's personality though. Thought he was like Vince McMahon.

He tells the story even after TUF is a hit.  He says when they first brought the idea of a reality show he was totally against it.  His impression of reality shows at the time was different from what they ended up creating.  Even when they made it they weren't sure it was going to work and it was really the Griffin/Bonnar fight that made it at hit.

How tight is your fatk t shirt? Should a got a XXL

If Shaub said it, he musta heard it from Rogan. 

oh shauby shauby shaub shaub.

It's hilarious that being a loud opinionated asshole = tells it like it is.

He lies and makes things up all the time

They don't need Dana now because he has been extremely effective as a tireless promoter of mma. His impact on the growth and visibility of the sport has been enormous, like him or not. His work is done in that respect, although he's still very valuable to keep around as a business person.