Schaub takes advantage of friends

Haha. Sensitive much LikeItIs? I never said YOU were a grade schooler. Take a joke. I was just ribbing you back.

The point is Schaub is willfully taking advantage of his friends. If he knows the odds and they don't, it's not very fair. Are they responsible for taking the bet? Yes 100%. But the fact he knows and doesn't share makes it unfair. Hey if you guys are cool with taking advantage of your friends, so be it. I was just stating my opinion.

You made a new account to create this thread?

For sure get a life. Phone Post 3.0

… Sensitive? Jesus Christ man, stop projecting. I’ll repeat one more time, YOU are the one who posted the original cry-baby shit about two grown men betting with one another. Two grown men who, I might add, have a pretty good understanding of mixed martial arts and its fighters and are more than capable of making their own decisions when it comes to betting. If these people were completely ignorant in MMA then yes, I would agree that it’s unfair to make those bets. But we’re talking about people like Bravo and Callen who a) know enough about MMA to be able to determine if it’s a horrible fucking bet or not and b) can more than easily afford to drop $1000 fucking around with friends.

Now put your big girl panties on stop worrying about what full grown adults from a Podcast are doing with their money.

If it's on the up and up, then why not disclose the odds? Riddle me that.

How do you know Eddie can comfortably throw 1k around?

I think you'd be surprised Phone Post 3.0

reading the op I get the feeling i haven't been keeping up with episodes of Glee or something


Oldschool18 - If it's on the up and up, then why not disclose the odds? Riddle me that.

ur the only one who cares

Oldschool18 - How do you know Eddie can comfortably throw 1k around?

Here's a pretty good indication:


Oldschool18 - Anyone see how Schaub seems to always know the odds on fights and only takes the favorite when betting with friends (WITHOUT GIVING THEM ODDS)?? Case in point, his bets with Eddie Bravo. Cummings vs St Prieux (slight favorite so this was fair and Eddie won). Edgar vs Faber (5 to 1 favorite!) He bet Callen dinner on Kimbo vs Shamrock (2.5 to 1). He calls it "Honeyd@cking" - which is a word to describe ROBBING his friends. Funny how he brags about picking Werdum, but never offered to bet Eddie on that. Hmmm.....
You sound like a jealous buffoon. I'm embarrassed for your post. Phone Post 3.0

How is that jealous dummy? Jealous he robs his friends and I couldn't?

Oldschool18 - How do you know Eddie can comfortably throw 1k around?
There is like 50+ 10th planet schools and he is always doing privates.

He is a grown man. Worry about your own pocket. Phone Post 3.0

There's a word for this. Starts with F ends with T

Net worth is irrelevant. So you're saying that it's ok to scam your friends if they have enough $$? Sound logic.

Stay in your lane OP, and mind your p's and q's

Thacommish- I listened to that. The fact is he knew Edgar was heavily favored and didn't disclose it. Funny how he wanted to take Cain (3-1 favorite) against Eddie, but went around saying Werdum would win. Why not bet Werdum? Bc he knows he's giving away too much.

I agree with OP, it's taking advantage of people who you call friends. I wouldn't do it, would the rest of you? Phone Post 3.0

Rumble busted my Sweedish Meatballs - 
Spinning Shit - I can't believe you created an account to post this bullshit. Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0

waste of a first-ninth post

hopefully he stops now, and deletes his other account that he started for the "MMA won't pass in NY" thread

Lol thats gambling bro. If your friends are dumb enough to take it and they can afford it and its all just for fun who cares. Phone Post 3.0

He's angle shooting a friend and that's not right. If you guys are for taking advantage of your friends, so be it. If you disagree, I'd like to hear constructive feedback. Saying "it's gambling" just tells me you missed the meaning behind my post.