Schiavello is the best combat sports commentator on earth



Guy shits me. Don’t rate him

He’s waaay better than anik, and not as robotic


Agree with that

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The man’s in the building!!


Man… I genuinely enjoy Anik

The UFC is more of a podcast type styling of calling an event as to where Schiv is actual play by play

I like both but really enjoy Sean Wheelock as a play by play commentator


I can’t stand that style, but I appreciate your reply brother. I find Anik generic, and the overuse of the phrase “in UFC history” multiple times obnoxious.

Schiavello would add a special element to the broadcast. He makes things seem special.


It’s really too bad he isn’t with ONE anymore. He brings so much excitement and energy and I really enjoy him. Hopefully he gets a gig with another large promotion.

Do you like Sean Wheelock

  • BKFC and multiple UFC Fight Pass organizations play by play guy?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard him tbh.

Guy is a creep fucking weirdo


Agree. I can’t stand that fuck. Fitzgerald is way better

I always find it weird when rogan calls Anik the best in the business. Rogan probably gets a couple thousand dollars from the ufc every time he says it like an endorsement deal


There are several employees who call Anik the best in the business. I don’t get it at all

For me he adds no value anywhere


I dont hate any of the commentators, but i could do without the pretty face corporate plants who dont know what theyre talking about.

But rogan, dc, anik, dom, bisping, mauro, dan hardy, schiavello, they all bring something to the table. I do wish schiavello and ranallo got a chance with ufc, and i miss goldy. He wasnt the best, but he sure as shit made it unique. It was part of the experience.

Damn son… :slight_smile: Sean is good


In terms of play by play Wheelock is a first ballot hall of fame type announcer

If I were to pick a fault

His style at times can be somewhat predictable

But his delivery and insight into the action is so good that it doesn’t matter

Watch some of the more recent BKFC fights

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Screename doesn’t check out if u don’t know him,

Or it’s a obvious troll

You know what… you are correct

This is for you


Yes sir!

I dont have anything against the guy, I just find his announcing generic and the constant use of “in UFC history” to proclaim every current fighter as better than anyone before him to be obnoxious hyperbole.

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