The lovely SCRAPPETTE recently graduated college and her dad bought her a ticket to come out and see him in Texas. Her grandmother lives out there as well so we decided that it would be an awesome opportunity for them to spend some quality time together.
She's looking at working at one of the local gyms and she mentioned that someone is thinking about starting a "fit camp" in one of the local parks. It'll be fun to hear how she's thrashing those people! hahaha!
If any of you guys are near McAllen, Texas, and would like to start some sort of training class, drop me an email and I'll put you in contact with SCRAPPETTE.
Train hard,
*Moves to Texas*
Just like I tell the other guys in class who try to catch SCRAPPETE's eye:
Dude, why would she want the water boy (points at you) when she can have the all star team captain (points at myself)?
Yup who needs burger when you can get steak at home :D
good to see you staying humble Scrap ;)
ttt for scrapette.
Scrapper thats hurtful. I'm going to go sing songs about friendship and think about birds and blue sky and try to cheer up.
Long distance relationship? Texas/Hawaii.
wish i could make it down to mcallen. that's just far
enough away to be inconvenient during the work
Don't let her come back a redneck...
Don't worry about that. ;)
hey...why's it gotta be a redneck thing?
*cringes at Scrapper's coming response*
Don't be jealous Mino. Every team needs a waterboy and jock washer, might as well be you. ;)
You guys friends? I hope so.
Not really Ryno. Mino's a seemingly closet-case (pun intended) little boy with a dash of angry religious crackpot thrown in. Can't really blame him for being jealous of Scrappette, can you?
So, before this thread goes much further...
I started this thread to tell people who are interested in my workouts that Scrappette's in Texas for a short while. Jonwell cracked a joke and I responded with humor because Jonwell and I are friends.
However, I don't really like you Mino. Joking around with me is one thing but bashing Scrappette is something I'm not very fond of. If there's a personal problem, feel free to email me and let me know what your beef is. Continue in the direction this thread is going and you'll find yourself mysteriously unable to access this forum.
I wonder what that means?
Oh yea, here's my email:
" . . . your ego is hilarious . . ."
1. The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.
2. In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
3a. An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.
3b. Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem."
minolover, I assume you are referring to definition 3a - "An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit." You sir, are dreadfully wrong. Scrapper may have a dry sense of humor, but he is anything but conceited and he SURE AS HELL doesn't take himself too seriously.
Since this is the internet, many times comments can be taken the wrong way. Emotions such as sarcasm, happiness, grief, disgust, etc. don't come through in type, so it is quite possible that you have taken something (or possibly various things) that Scrapper has said the wrong way. If you ever talked to Scrapper in person or over the phone (which I have more times than I can count), you'd know this.
Scrapper is the furthest thing from egotistical. If he was conceited and had "an exaggerated sense of self-importance," why would he help so many people for FREE? His FREE workouts (as well as articles and exercise descriptions and videos etc.) have helped and motivated THOUSANDS of people to get into better shape, change their way of exercise thinking, and reflect on their own health. If he Scrapper was only concerned with himself, why would he continue to give away such great info for no monetary reward/gain?
On a different note - Scrapper has set up and devoted sections of his website to FELLOW FORUM MEMBERS. He currently has Taku's original article about Interval Training/HIIT posted at his site (although the article was originally posted at SBG's site). He has a page dedicated to GrandpaB's book, "Strictly Street Stuff." He setup a completely dedicated page (separate from any of the rest of his stuff) for my first Singles & Doubles book when I first got started over a year ago. Scrapper has never asked for ANYTHING in return. He did it to just help us all out. Is this what a person with "An exaggerated sense of self-importance" would do. Nope.
You mention the religious forum - I don't know what goes on there, b/c I don't frequent that forum. However, I do know that I've never seen Scrapper "pretend" to be something he's not anywhere or anytime else, so it's pretty tough for me to believe he does it there.
Bottom Line - Scrap is a cool cat that would do virtually anything for anybody. He gets very little in return for everything he does for everybody, and he doesn't bitch or whine about it. I'm proud to call him my friend and am glad I know him.
Now if his f'ing workouts just weren't so damn hard....;-)
yeah what wiggy said! lol
I've talked to him a couple of times directly; he never once came across as conceited or egotistical; in fact he was very professional and friendly.
Fo' shizzle, he GIVES AWAY professional-grade programs to the very people on this forum!!! I think for all he's contributed, even if he was an arrogant punk (which he's anything but) I'd put up with his chit anyway.