I just figured if he was such a savage, he would be a champion of any organization? He has been out of the UFC for over a decade and has not won a single title… he did win the cage rage title one time back in 06. If that means anything?
Also, reputation? This is an Internet forum. Who cares lol.
He missed weight against Hazelett. He did fine, but he failed every big test he had: Shields, Diaz, Woodley, Jason Jackson, Rory, Michael Page, Lima, Fitch.
Kampmann and Masvidal wins were great.
If so Maybe Nick’s best win is Daley, no offense to him but its not really saying much.
I love fun. What I’m against is taking something second rate and trying to pretend that it’s the best ever. That’s your schtick and why we always clash heads with opinions