Serious question.
Are there any mysteries in mma? I saw the recent thread where someone asked who "Mr. Maeda" was. Even though someone eventually figured it out, it got me wondering if there are mysteries I haven't heard of related to mma.
Are there?
Not a current one, but it went on for a little while. Vitor’s sister was kidnapped and while she was missing he wore a shirt to the cage with her picture on it. She was murdered, and IIRC someone was arrested but I forget the details of the case.
A few more: the Lee Murray heist. The only mystery to that is who is spending all the money while Lee wastes away in jail.
Then there is what ever happened to Art’s other glove, where it Teila Tuli’s teeth land, and did Sam Hoger really steal everybody’s gear.
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How Costa or Romero pass a piss test.
April 18, 2020, 10:04am
How real was Battleship MMA? That's sort of topical, too.
Is Furgie REALLY the Prince of Leglocks?
Was Rich Franklin and Ken Shamrock a work?

Does the Rickson Gracie/Yojo Anjo private fight video tape exist?
Captain Canuck - Does the Rickson Gracie/Yojo Anjo private fight video tape exist?
I seem to recall gordon saying he'd seen it
de braco - Captain Canuck - Does the Rickson Gracie/Yojo Anjo private fight video tape exist?
I seem to recall gordon saying he'd seen it
My mistake.
I meant will it ever be released?
Will Don Frye ever admit to working a fight with Mark Hall?
The real mystery is how many "works" have Dan Severn and Shannon Ritch done in the name of MMA?
Shannon was probably the first mma/nhb version of what's known in boxing as an "opponent".
Captain Canuck - de braco - Captain Canuck - Does the Rickson Gracie/Yojo Anjo private fight video tape exist?
I seem to recall gordon saying he'd seen it
My mistake.
I meant will it ever be released?
I wonder if gordon is related to todd hester who used to be the editor for grappling magazine and was an old school gracie moonie
de braco -Captain Canuck -de braco - Captain Canuck -Does the Rickson Gracie/Yojo Anjo private fight video tape exist?
I seem to recall gordon saying he'd seen it
My mistake.
I meant will it ever be released?
I wonder if gordon is related to todd hester who used to be the editor for grappling magazine and was an old school gracie moonie
Was it Anjo's request to not have the tape released?
Don't really know the story so well myself.
I always have a hard time fully believing anything the Gracies say.
Edited for typo.
Machida used to be a mystery.