Sheila Cruz back in action Feb 25 Tulsa!

No you are correct. I retract my previous statements. I really don't care where anyone else trains. I was just asking a question. It didn't make sense to me. You can have a blue belt with all the experience in the world and it still is not going to be like training with a black belt. Period! I have enough experience to know that. Vahgi has guys that have been training in bjj for 4 years and are still blue belts! he also has a purple belt that has been with him for three, and the purple belt is alot better on the ground than the guy with a years more experience. He even helps with the youth class.

Jamie Mickle is one of the first Jiu Jitsu black belts in Oklahoma. Is Ketsugo Jiu Jitsu pure BJJ? No, but have Ketsugo Jiu Jitsu students kicked the crap out of many BJJ students in MMA and BJJ tournament? Yes!

Dr Pat Sharp, and Jameie Mickle spent years on the mat working with Calvin Metz and earning their black belt. This was at a time when there was no other Jiu Jitsu in Tulsa.

While most martial artists in Tulsa had never heard of BJJ, Calvin was tapping the like of Olimpic wrestler Kenny Monday, and everyone else in Tulsa that had the balls to step on the mat.

Jamo's credentials are above question, regardless of what kind of "Jits" you want to talk about. The fact that both of these black belts [Sharp + Mickle] were open minded enough to humble themselves and go to Carlos Machado wearing white belts and start over and earn their rank in BJJ from the beginning, says way more about their character and credentials than I ever can.

They didn't go buy a purple belt at team Nog, they spent 4 or 5 years earning a black belt and then humbly put on a white belt. 15-20 years experience and the ability to teach and motivate is why their students have won in national competition.

troll on...

Im not disrespecting anyone. I simply made a comment about Rank and Instruction choices.
Maybe reading comp isn't YOUR strong suit?

The problem is you disrespect other instructors and then back peddle like a pussy. This is how you do it:

Fuck Piet
Fuck Lyles
Fuck DAC
Fuck Jamo
Fuck Nate
Fuck PrettyBoy
Fuck Larry Srock
Fuck Shibby
Fuck Anthony Sullivan
Fuck Kaizer Soze
Fuck Rodrigo
Fuck Rickson for losing and making excuses like a bitch
Fuck Brazil
Fuck the entire southern hemisphere
Fuck Kenny Nair and that faggy 'monster truck'
Fuck FCF
Fuck Baboon Morgan


PimpLimp - What exactly are you trying to prove besides looking like an assclown in front of the OKUG? I'm sure Rodrigo is proud of you disrespecting other instructors.

I know what the fuck you are trying to say, you blasphemous little spic. You're lucky I don't roll up to Missouri and split your fucking head in half and then take a shit on Rodrigo Vag.

I never once questioned anyones ability to teach. I am not sure why everone is getting so Damn defensive. I also am not sure why you are saying Troll on? I have made it Very clear that I am not a troll. I have one screen name and have no reason to troll. And what the hell is the buy a purple belt at team nog comment? Are you trashing another school simply cause I asked a question?

Your question: "Why would anyone train with a blue belt when they can train with a brown or black?"

Disrespectful little shit.

That is not a legit question? You guys have informed me of jujitsujamos other experiences in jujitsu so it makes a little more sense now. Lets say he did not have that other black belt. Would it make sense then?

And what did you know about Jamo's experience beforehand? I mean, before you put your foot in your mouth and embarrassed yourself....

I guess the legit question would be "How taste my peepee?"

Keyser Soze is either a troll (not a very good one - try interjecting some humor next time) or someone who is very bitter, insecure and jealous. If he were an honest person with honest concerns, I would be happy to discuss them. But he has no intention of that. Phone Post

Sheila's first choice was Jamo to train with, not seond, third! She is a picky person, great judge of character allso. She hated ground ever since I've known her, and has seen other Bjj- instructors teach, Jamo's ability to break techniques down is what caught her attention, she actualy looks forward to her classe's! By the way, since when did the rank of a belt determine ones experience? Mostly it dictates time put in, maybe kaiser roll is used to belt factories!! Clean up on isle 5..... Phone Post

I knew that he taught at apollos and that they were affiliated with Carlos Machado. I was doing research the other day, if you remember my thread I am coming to town in feb for work. I called Carlos Machado jiujitsu in Dallas and a talked to a woman about them.

Keyser Soze - please make up a story about how you knew I was a blue belt. Don't see it posted anywhere. Phone Post

Ah man, you beat me to it. Phone Post

I think an OKUG welcome party is in order for Kaizer....

jujitsujamo I am a real person I did not know that you were a black belt in jujitsu, I was simply going off the Machado ranking. I am not saying that you are not a good instructor. I have never met you so I could not make that determination.

But yet you question why someone would train with him?

I did not say him personally. I was referring to ranks.