Shonie Carter can beat Wandy

stupid thread, shonie would get killed...

shonie wont even be able to handle buddy clinton in the next kotc

Shonie is the master of being the underdog. He will win.

Definitely the most funny thread on here. Definitely not true but entertaining...congrats on another troll post well done.

STFU, troll.

IMHO shonie would clown vanderlei, and expose him for the fraud he is!


shonie took a dive against pat

and the back hand is WAY to much for silva to handle

I notice the Title of your thread says, "Shonie Carter can beat Wandy." That statement hardly smacks of confidence. And if he is looking ahead to that fight he's missing a freight train coming at him named Buddy Clinton.

But looking ahead or not Buddy Clinton WILL beat Shonie Carter.

Feel free to quote me on any other threads. I'll take credit when the fights over.

Shonie by nuclear demolishment.

LMFAO @ this thread. Shonie would get murdered so quickly it wouldnt even be funny. Rampage, Hendo, and Silva would kick start Shonies fucking head into next year. No offense to Shonie, but get real.

That's why Shonie will upset the balance of MMA in the world. Haters like Keoni.

I find all of this very amusing. I have now heard me getting my head kicked off, I lost to miletich in UFC, look at 1st fight in Extreme Challenge, then talk. I have lost to jeremy jackson ,watch the fight then speak. John fitch I lost, he was beating me I give him that but there was the food poisoning issue. Yes Jody Poff isn't by any means vanderlai, I am just tired of fighting these gate keeper matches testing you young boys to see if your're ready for the next level. Oh yeah my stand up isn't that good oh yeah, I have won the last two Team USA shidokan tournaments middleweight 170-185 and lightheavy 185-205. Oh yeah how are your careers going? And as far as the M-1 show was already determined to not let a last minute shonie fight and upset andre semenoev. Last minute 2 days notice and 15 pounds to lose as per M1 promoter producer/ owner in russia! PS you have never got iinto the ring with me have you? And I am not looking past Buddy Clinton at all or John Kronk who is 1st on the list. The fight with vanderlai is just potentially freakin entertaining no matter what! I have spoken and that is all!!!

hi bro!

Interesting how the thread was moved to what if as soon as Shonie states his case. I believe in you mr. PIMP.

ttt for shonie


shonie we are huge fans of yours!!!!! dont let the haters get you down!

Thank you, moderator. How dare the rogue mod disrespect a fighter of Shonie's stature by moving this thread to what if, this is a fight he CAN win. I am confident Shonie Carter can pull off the biggest upset in sports history.

I'd pay to see it, I think...

Where are the Shonie haters now???

I'm not a hater, but I will repeat, Buddy Clinton will win by armbar in round 2.

yea and serra by armbar

and fernando vasconcelos by armbar