Shooto C class in Melbourne

Thanks Larry. Will you be coming down to Melb on the day?

2 x 3 min rounds doesn't sound like much!!!
you wouldn't have to be very fit.

So what weight you entering at mrjase?

Looks like we have 3 who are putting their names down from Shepp/Echuca at the moment and working on others


He has some problems with his knee's atm, he is resting them up so he has been taking it easy. On top of that he is a meat manager of a large Bi-Lo down our way and has to submit in advance before he can take time of. As he works weekends.

All the best mate.


Thats cool Kym, as i said earlier sorry about some of my hot headed coments earlier on this thread. Are you fighting again in Melbourne on the 12th Feb card?

No need to appologise mate. Its cool.

I hope to fight. I would love the oppurtunity to fight for John in Melb. again I had a really good time last time.

Look after yourself and train hard.


Hope to see you there Kym and good luck.