Should Randy Retire?

come on, someone had to say it ;)

thats up to him. he can still demand big money for a rematch, he has still competed at an elite level recently. he stilll draws big attention by his mere presence on a card. if he wants to keep his job, he could. the fans don't have the right to order him to quit a job he loves and he is still among the best in the world at. unless of course they want to start boycottting his fights, which won't happen.

No, randy will be back, but tito will own both chuck and randy!

Not yet.

That win was a god send to Zuffa. Now they can have another rematch without people moaning about it this time.

If he gets KO'd again then he should.

Id like to see him go out on top. If he wins belt back Id like to see him hang it up.

it's not a bad time, but I'd like to see a rubber match

He'll come back even hungrier.


He just wants to be the first person to win the LHW title on 3 occasions.

why should he retire. He loses 1 fight by ko and now he should retire. He's still in amazing shape and could give anyone a run for their money. When he performs like shamrock did in his last fight he'll have to retire. Till then he should keep fighting. A 3rd fight between him and chuck will probably look completely different again. THese 2 keep learning and growing. Makes for good fights.

Matrix Trilogy. Stars Wars Trilogy. LOTR Trilogy.
Randy vs. Chuck Trilogy!

I was thinking the same thing right after the fight.
I wonder if it crossed his mind.

Its best 2 out of three. Besides, everyone knows that scratch on his eye broke his focus. I knew he was in trouble the second he rushed back into that fight after the scratch was looked at.

No way Randy retires after this fight. He is in phenomenal shape and still has 2 fights on his contract. He got knocked out tonight but like he said it was bound to happen at some point in his career. I honestly believe that Dana will be strapping that belt around Randy's waist one more time.

no way, he should fight for as long as he wants and is capable. here is to randy fighting till he is 50! he looks in tremendous shape.

He should fight Ken Shamrock!

Randy looked a little over confident in his striking, and got sloppy. He had one hand on the fence when he got cought with the Ko punch. He diddnt look old, just over confident and a sloppy performance.


lol at Randy retiring...he'll retire when he's good and ready, he's already a living legend.

" No, randy will be back, but tito will own both chuck and randy!"

Why doesent the mods ban these people and stop erasing legit posts?