Should the UFC pay for retirement?

 Fund retirement programs for independent contractors?  Of course not.  If you want retirement benefits, you need to be an employee.  I don't know for sure but perhaps Cindy could chime in and let us know if the UFc offers their employees retirement plans.  But independent contractors?  That's absurd.  

SinCityHustler -  Fund retirement programs for independent contractors?  Of course not.  If you want retirement benefits, you need to be an employee.  

This. It could only be possible with the high end fighters, and probably only if they become employees, with a life-time type deal with the UFC or something like that, because they sure as hell wont be paying retirement money to someone who runs away (Say, Henderson if he would have ended up retiring in non-ZUFFA Strikeforce)

DiazMadeMe BJTheWelshman - Have you noticed that its only the best fighters that go on for to long?

That's what makes them the best. The desire to fight. Look at Chuck, any lesser man would have retired after getting ko'd by Rashad but he carried on.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter if you offer guys like Chuck, Wand and Cro Cop money. They wouldn't take it. Phone Post

This 100% that's the difference between the old gatekeepers and these new breed fighters because I don't see as much fight in these guys as I did/do in guys like randy, chuck, Tito, Cro-cop, Nogs, Wandy etc.. Phone Post

A big no!
Its up to fighters to manage their money.
Don't buy that Audi or merc, invest it over 20 yrs in a market plan. (Most average 9% through ups and downs) there is 1/2 right there! Phone Post

Most of these guys don't have the intelligence or mindset for that though, except for like a Franklin, or they wouldn't be fighting.

Forgot to mention every year the Ufc flys the fighters to Vegas and has a FREE seminar on this exact stuff. So if fighters don't utilize the free advice it's their own fault. Sorry to sound harsh. Phone Post

I'm not suggesting that the UFC should offer retirement to all fighters, I mean only in the situation when the boss is publicly telling everyone you should retire... that's kind of damaging to your career if you were to chose to fight else where.

Most of you missed the point I think.

Stakk5150 - I'm not suggesting that the UFC should offer retirement to all fighters, I mean only in the situation when the boss is publicly telling everyone you should retire... that's kind of damaging to your career if you were to chose to fight else where.

Most of you missed the point I think.

Oh, well in that

err. SOME actors do. it's not a given. just like movies. big actors can decide between a percent of the profit or a straight fee ot a combination of both. I highly doubt anyone but the top shelf get that choice too.

Hill Billy - No, but fighters should get residuals when they air old fights like actors do.

i agree

Canooke - 
Asian Keyboard Warrior - I believe retirement money is not a bad idea though.
It would only be given when the fighter has fought for the ufc many years and made the decision to retire themselves. The retirement $ would be a percentage of their average overall income.

^ it would be a sign of appreciation for the years of heart, sweat, blood, and dedication to making ufc what it is today

Amazing how much charity/generosity people expect from Dana and the UFC. Sure, the UFC couldn't have done it without the fighters, but the UFC created the market which allows the fighters to make really good livings doing what they love to do. On top of that Dana and the UFC regularly hand out bonuses, paying people more than the agreed upon amount.

Now the UFC should pick up everybody's retirement? That's crazy IMO. Maybe the UFC could give the option to structure fighter's pay differently (maybe they already do? what do we know?), instead of paying 100% of the purse to the fighter they could pay them 80% of their purse and put the other 20% into a fund on behalf of the fighter. It could still end up costing the UFC if the UFC pays a financial advisor to be on hand to manage the retirement plans of the fighters. This might be a reasonable cost for a generous company like the UFC though, asking them to just fund the lives of retired fighters is ridiculous.

do you realize how much money the UFC makes off the fighters? From PPV, ticket sales, merchandise, tv deals, sponsorships, video games, etc...the list goes on. Some of the bigger fighters get more money but the average fighters don't really. When you factor in that they have to give a percentage of their winnings to their gym, manager, sponsors etc...the fighter is not left with a lot.

MMA Girls - 
Canooke - 
Asian Keyboard Warrior - I believe retirement money is not a bad idea though.<br>It would only be given when the fighter has fought for the ufc many years and made the decision to retire themselves. The retirement $ would be a percentage of their average overall income.<br><br>^ it would be a sign of appreciation for the years of heart, sweat, blood, and dedication to making ufc what it is today

Amazing how much charity/generosity people expect from Dana and the UFC. Sure, the UFC couldn't have done it without the fighters, but the UFC created the market which allows the fighters to make really good livings doing what they love to do. On top of that Dana and the UFC regularly hand out bonuses, paying people more than the agreed upon amount.

Now the UFC should pick up everybody's retirement? That's crazy IMO. Maybe the UFC could give the option to structure fighter's pay differently (maybe they already do? what do we know?), instead of paying 100% of the purse to the fighter they could pay them 80% of their purse and put the other 20% into a fund on behalf of the fighter. It could still end up costing the UFC if the UFC pays a financial advisor to be on hand to manage the retirement plans of the fighters. This might be a reasonable cost for a generous company like the UFC though, asking them to just fund the lives of retired fighters is ridiculous.

do you realize how much money the UFC makes off the fighters? From PPV, ticket sales, merchandise, tv deals, sponsorships, video games, etc...the list goes on. Some of the bigger fighters get more money but the average fighters don't really. When you factor in that they have to give a percentage of their winnings to their gym, manager, sponsors etc...the fighter is not left with a lot.

Then they need to find a way to make themselves more valuable to the UFC, find another line of work, or accept their current situation. I think the UFC is already paying more than they need to, as dictated by the market, and to say that they need to charitably take care of everyone in retirement is a bit nuts.


joe bruce - socialist OP

haha the complete opposite

I'm pretty much a libertarian, but nice try

was just making the point that if you're going to publicly out someone and basically coerce them into retirement, maybe it should be done in private, and throw a guy a bone to help him out...

IS That more clear??? lol

Stakk5150 -
joe bruce - socialist OP

haha the complete opposite

I'm pretty much a libertarian, but nice try

was just making the point that if you're going to publicly out someone and basically coerce them into retirement, maybe it should be done in private, and throw a guy a bone to help him out...

IS That more clear??? lol

I agree. If he is under contract and the powers that be deem a fighter 'past it'... Give him a golden handshake to walk away permanently. Fair was to do things. Phone Post

havent read the thread yet..

But YES! They absolutly should!

I also believe old school pioneers loke Royce, Ken, Severn, etc., should be getting "bouns" checks after every UFC PPV. These guys paved the way, and helped make alot of people alot of money. They also changes the lives of countless people, like myself. They deserve to profit from the rise of the sport that they literally helped create.

MMA Girls - 
Canooke - 
Asian Keyboard Warrior - I believe retirement money is not a bad idea though.
It would only be given when the fighter has fought for the ufc many years and made the decision to retire themselves. The retirement $ would be a percentage of their average overall income.

^ it would be a sign of appreciation for the years of heart, sweat, blood, and dedication to making ufc what it is today

Amazing how much charity/generosity people expect from Dana and the UFC. Sure, the UFC couldn't have done it without the fighters, but the UFC created the market which allows the fighters to make really good livings doing what they love to do. On top of that Dana and the UFC regularly hand out bonuses, paying people more than the agreed upon amount.

Now the UFC should pick up everybody's retirement? That's crazy IMO. Maybe the UFC could give the option to structure fighter's pay differently (maybe they already do? what do we know?), instead of paying 100% of the purse to the fighter they could pay them 80% of their purse and put the other 20% into a fund on behalf of the fighter. It could still end up costing the UFC if the UFC pays a financial advisor to be on hand to manage the retirement plans of the fighters. This might be a reasonable cost for a generous company like the UFC though, asking them to just fund the lives of retired fighters is ridiculous.

do you realize how much money the UFC makes off the fighters? From PPV, ticket sales, merchandise, tv deals, sponsorships, video games, etc...the list goes on. Some of the bigger fighters get more money but the average fighters don't really. When you factor in that they have to give a percentage of their winnings to their gym, manager, sponsors etc...the fighter is not left with a lot.

it's ridiculous to even consider that the UFC should pay friggin retirement for fighters that don't even work as their employees, yet STILL get medical insurance.

if the fighters can't manage their percentages and business needs, maybe they should find another line of work.

if the fighters are good enough to earn the top spots they will have leverage to negotiate those things. There's no reason they should be 'given' that, it's incentive based pay. the better you do all around, including publicity, reputation, fight results etc, the better you'll do.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Stakk5150 - 
CindyO - 
Stakk5150 - As an incentive to get fighters who are "Past their prime" should the UFC offer some type of offer to encourage a fighter to hang 'em up?

Would make sense to me, I mean I'm sure knowing you have another big check coming up has to come into play for a fighter.

I'll start the bid at $1 Million haha

If you're going to decide when people should retire, maybe you can help them with the decision.

 Does boxing provide a retirement package? I don't follow it. Thanks.


Do boxing promoters publicly tell it's fighters to retire?

Quite a smart ass response, good job :)

 I don't know because I don't follow boxing. Do they publicly tell fighters when to retire?

But back to MY question, for someone else since you don't know:

Does boxing provide a retirement package? Thanks.


JerodR - 
Stakk5150 - 
CindyO - 
Stakk5150 - As an incentive to get fighters who are "Past their prime" should the UFC offer some type of offer to encourage a fighter to hang 'em up?

Would make sense to me, I mean I'm sure knowing you have another big check coming up has to come into play for a fighter.

I'll start the bid at $1 Million haha

If you're going to decide when people should retire, maybe you can help them with the decision.

 Does boxing provide a retirement package? I don't follow it. Thanks.


Do boxing promoters publicly tell it's fighters to retire?

Quite a smart ass response, good job :)

No they don't...they just allow them to continue to take punishment until they can barely walk or talk anymore... Not exactly a prize there either.

The UFC should NOT pay for retirement. However, I believe the UFC may be helpful to fighters to set up things for retirement such as investing, gyms...etc. I thought Dana did state something to the effect that they were looking into 401K/retirement type stuff for the fighters.... Cindy do you know if I am right on that one?

 The Fighter Summit covered quite a bit, from what I recall. There is a thread about it on this board somehwere with details.


SinCityHustler -  Fund retirement programs for independent contractors?  Of course not.  If you want retirement benefits, you need to be an employee.  I don't know for sure but perhaps Cindy could chime in and let us know if the UFc offers their employees retirement plans.  But independent contractors?  That's absurd.  

 LOL! I have no idea what they pay their people or what their benefit packages are.


Humphrey - err. SOME actors do. it's not a given. just like movies. big actors can decide between a percent of the profit or a straight fee ot a combination of both. I highly doubt anyone but the top shelf get that choice too.

 How long after the movie industry was built did this benefit (residual payments) happen? Right off the bat? 10 years? 20 years? Thanks.
