
Yea, I liked SYR gi's alot more when they were rare. Phone Post

capthook - get an Ouano, there always in stock and they make Shoyorolls gi anyways.. just without all the hype.

finally some body say it i know that what that faggot rock n suicide hint at but too much coward say it.

HoldYerGround - TheRealMKL, thanks for the info. Its appreciated.

NP at all, my brother just got me a SYR from the batch 8 so I'll get a little bit more in depth comparison but I can't see it being all that different.

Personally as far as lightweight gi's are right now my favorites are the Atama Ultra Lites and my Ouano. Haven't had a chance to really check out Vulkans yet but I hear good things.

I think I'm going to be sticking with Atama's from here out though. I'm in love with the Ultra Lites and that Mudial weave is bad ass IMO.

Are those Atama ultra lights soft or just light?
I hate the coarseness of some materials, and I love gis like the Isami's which are super soft.

thank you to shoyoroll for the 7th son. i received it on the 24th of dec. it was worth the wait.(only cause i got a couple other gis)

McLeod - Are those Atama ultra lights soft or just light?
I hate the coarseness of some materials, and I love gis like the Isami's which are super soft.

I think the Atama's are pretty soft but before this I've been used to Fuji's and Howard's for a while which are both pretty coarse IMO.

i got the 7th son also on the 23rd. pretty long wait but i like the helps to also like the sf giants and/or halloween


You know that the Ohio Grappling Challenge & myself (Dustin Ware) has been & will always be a big supporters of SYR!!!

...that said, we are waiting on our "stuff" that we were told would be sent some time back.  It was for door prizes at a future OGC competition. :-(

Please let me know what we need to do to get this package in time for our event on Jan. 15th.


 It amazes me how many people were only interested in the SYR gis because they had limited product runs. I guess some people are more interested in being part of an exclusive group than focusing on the actual quality of the product they own. Lets hope BJJ doesn't become too popular, all of these types of people might quit.

Is the Ouano sizing the same as Shoyoroll too?
(i.e. order a size down from your regular)

The Ouano 99 model looks like it's gone over to the Ouano Premium Comp/SYR template as well judging by the pic of the white model on the website.


I love the fit of my SYR gis. Unfortunately, it's one of the few companies that have a size that fits me properly. Being 6'4" and 185lbs makes it hard to find a gi that fits you. The SYR A3slim size fits me perfectly. Any other size from any other manufacturer is either way too short, way too baggy, or both. If some companies would make a size similar to the A3slim then I (and other tall and skinny guys) would be happy to give them some business.

I really like the new ouanos, but i dont want a gi that is so heavy i sweat a ton without moving and have to strain to move my arms to get a monkey hook. :)

the shoyo's are wayyyyy too difficult to get. but i dont want a gi that feels like a karate gi with NO weight. love the feel of my isami.


lol mcleaod you some kind troll? you ever wear mizuno double weave? lol fren at ouano new gi being heavy

I have an Ouano from about ..this is a guess but like 6 years ago? Its heavy as hell. So is my mizuno and lucky.. and they feel like sandpaper. :)
My gameness isnt heavy, nor is my korals, but they still are coarse as heck.
My Isami is soft, the elite gameness is soft but heavy, etc...

LOL at someone trying to sell the free gi bag they got for $45 on ebay.

Shoyoroll should just mass release these gis, scalpers are making more than the company at this point.

I saw the bag on there too. Thought it was funny. I've used mine maybe a few times. But If it sells at that price I might sell a few of mine. I don't think anyone will pay that much for a bag though Phone Post

Idk bout u guys but the gi bag is a tight fit, haven't tried to put my gi in it after rolling, but after all the sweating I doubt the gi fits Into the bag again. Maybe the bag could br useful to hold your jock, mouth piece... Phone Post

the bag def wont hold your gi after training it only holds that stuff factory folded in the plastic when you get it. there cool to use for other shit though