So many Pride HWs still fighting.

  1. Overeem- ranked top 10

  2. Werdum- ranked top 10

  3. Hunt- ranked top 10

  4. Crocop- ranked top 20

  5. Kharitonov- ranked top 30

  6. Aleks Emelianenko- ranked top 30

  7. Rampage- ranked top 50 (was LHW, now HW)

  8. Fedor- will be ranked top 50 after Mir win credit

Crazy 8 PRIDE HWs are still ranked in the top 50.

Pride fighters still competing with less activity or success:

  1. Yvel

  2. TK

  3. Fujita 47, 8 fight losing streak

  4. Rodriguez

  5. Sokoudjou

  6. Wiuff

  7. Lungu

Did I miss any fighters who competed in Pride that are still fighting and compete or have competed at HW?

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

I hear ya, he never competed at HW in Pride but I’ll just keep him on the list because it seems to really bother you.

Gotta add Pride vet Alexandru Lungu, dude is in the ROAD SHW tourny with Yvel. Fujita is in the alternate fight.

yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.

EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.


Even crazier that the top 3 have all been in title contention recently. 

And for the love of Yahweh, why is ironhead still fighting. 

EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.

Also fought a pair of K1 fights at HW back then.

Bob Sapp is still top 10, yes?

1 Like
Sage Northcock - 
EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.

Also fought a pair of K1 fights at HW back then.

Speaking of K1, a few K1 vets from the Pride era are still around as well in both kickboxing and MMA.

Le Banner was gonna be in the ROAD SHW tourny but withdrew with injury.

Mighty Mo has been beating up Asian HWs and collecting checks in ROAD for a while.

Peter Graham fights a lot in Russia.

Manhoef should have won the Bellator title last year. I thought he won the first Carvalho fight.

The Fedor career has been so fun to watch, discovering him in Pride, watching the Rings stuff on the net, watching the sambo on the net, the Nog fights, Schilt, Fujita, Coleman, Ogawa, Randleman, etc… the Crocop masterpiece. Watching all that live was awesome.

The freakshow fun with Zuluzinho and Hong Man Choi.

The Werdum moment, the Hendo and Bifoot downward spiral.

The Monson, Rizzo, Ishii retirement tour.

Thought that was it.

The disappointing return vs Jaidep Singh and the shock of the Maldanado left and heart displayed in the comeback.

The cancellation of Mitrione at last minute only to be rescheduled and end in a quick almost double KO that saw Fedor go down again.

I thought it was over after the Bigfoot fight.

I thought it was over after the Rizzo fight.

I thought it was over after the Maldanado fight.

I thought it was over after the Mitrione fight.

I thought it was over after Mir dropped him.

Its not over. War Fedor!

Ryan Z -
EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.


I stand corrected. And op is a douche.

yomamafool - 
Ryan Z -
EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.


I stand corrected. And op is a douche.


You were wrong.

Name calling won’t fix it.

Go be wrong somewhere else.

1 Like
BJ Penn Forever -
yomamafool - 
Ryan Z -
EckY - 
yomamafool - 

Rampage is a heavyweight now, and was never a Pride heavyweight and does not belong on that list 

He fought Igor Vovchanchyn at HW in PRIDE.


I stand corrected. And op is a douche.


You were wrong.

Name calling won’t fix it.

Go be wrong somewhere else.

more douchiness from op

seriously what did he do to make me look stupid? i’d like to avoid it in the future if thats even possible.

was it because i was wrong about quinton fighting at heavyweight?

“but I’ll just keep him on the list because it seems to really bother you” the assertion that t really bothers me when all i was doing was correcting his post (unknowingly i was wrong apparently) and saying he was going to leave him on there for that very reason are both pretty douchey moves imo.

re-read my original response to the op. i was posting my opinion about how he didnt belong on a list called pride heavyweights because he wasnt a heavyweight in pride. that was all. no biggie. i was wrong and accepted that without issue. i wasnt taking a jab at him and didnt mind the jab he took at me, and then i jabbed back when i called him out on his doucheyness. it was part playful/serious depending on his intentions. why do i feel like im arguing with my exwife?

yomamafool - "but I'll just keep him on the list because it seems to really bother you" the assertion that t really bothers me when all i was doing was correcting his post (unknowingly i was wrong apparently) and saying he was going to leave him on there for that very reason are both pretty douchey moves imo.

re-read my original response to the op. i was posting my opinion about how he didnt belong on a list called pride heavyweights because he wasnt a heavyweight in pride. that was all. no biggie. i was wrong and accepted that without issue. i wasnt taking a jab at him and didnt mind the jab he took at me, and then i jabbed back when i called him out on his doucheyness. it was part playful/serious depending on his intentions. why do i feel like im arguing with my exwife?

Relax man, it is not that serious. The comment about leaving him on the list was lighthearted and there was no malicious intent.

Aleks Emelianenko with another win for the Pride HW’s.

Josh Barnett