So many Pride HWs still fighting.

Barnett’s PED woes kept him from his true all time top 5 HW potential.

He never should have lost to Ben.

Barnett is twice the fighter Ben ever was

It was sad.

onepunchJD - 

Barnett’s PED woes kept him from his true all time top 5 HW potential.

He never should have lost to Ben.

Barnett is twice the fighter Ben ever was

It was sad.

Yeah I can’t see many other times in their careers where Barnett and Rothwell fight and Rothwell wins.

Why not? Ben is a big, strong dude and has underrated skills in all areas, beat Barnett at his own game fgs.

From 97-2012, sixteen years, Barnett won 31 fights, captured the UFC title and only lost to prime Rizzo, Crocop, Big Nog and DC.

Hell of a prime he had.

It was awesome watching prime Fedor, Barnett, Big Nog and Crocop in PRIDE. That was a special class of elite HWs.

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