Something Shady....

Weak bro.... Phone Post

Maybe it was something to repeatedly eye poke Diaz to return the favour on that camp?

thesalfordmongoose - 
Leghound -

speaking of something shady, what did you test positive for jake?

I also hear Kron was being a real dick with Braulio. Bad news. Phone Post

lol at both comments

"Woof" Phone Post

In Phone Post

MisterMr -
Brian J DSouza - 

This is serious stuff, and a skilled cornerman like Nazim Richardson or Bouie Fisher can catch a guy like Tito Trinidad or Margarito. The commission needs to be vigilant as well.

The athletic commission needs to shoulder blame if Shields was not allowed to get GSP to rewrap his hands (what Trinidad had to do). The wraps should have at least been inspected postfight and retained for analysis.

Dana said in the post fight press conference that the wraps were given to the commission for a check.

He also said that Jake watched George's get his hands wrapped and signed off on them, then wanted another team member to double check them 20 minutes later after Georges' gloves were on. Phone Post

well, in.

In late Phone Post

if it doesnt fit , you must acquit

No need for this thread. Makes Jake look terrible. Phone Post

Based on the fight itself, it would get the same ruling as the Greasegate incident. An "It did not manipulate the fight in anyway" 


That picture is photo shopped any ways. Not real. Settled. Phone Post

Outlaw'd by Lytle - No need for this thread. Makes Jake look terrible. Phone Post


Jake your better than this.

Unless you are trolling. In that case.... WELL DONE! Phone Post

Unless you have some sort of PROOF GSP is cheating?

Maybe this thread should be deleted.

Who knows? maybe Mr. Shields will be hearing from GSP Attorney.

You could be fucking with someones future monetary gain by starting shit like this.

Anyone else starts shit like this and they get frozen or even banned from the site.

Unless you have definitive PROOF. This thread should go away.



Jake "slim shady" shields Phone Post

hand wraps that make you wrestle better, the oldest trick in the book

PINKsinglet -

hand wraps that make you wrestle better, the oldest trick in the book

Hahahahah Phone Post

Time to turn this into a shady room thread. Phone Post