Something Shady....

Smellde Gluve -
YouCantHandleMyRiddum - 

Sherlock Shields!

LoL, funny stuff.

If GSP is obligated to allow inspection from Nick's team then I think he should have let him check the wraps.

Honestly though I thought the only people you are required to let inspect wraps/gloves are officials no? Phone Post

SpartanFightClub - Ok, look guys, there is an athletic commission in Quebec, you cant do what you want...

I'm a mma coach and i cornered guys here in Quebec.

There is rules about the lenght of gaz you can take.

When you do the taping, you MUST have a 'blue guy' (that's how wecall them here) right after you. He will stay right behind you the entire time you do the taping.

When you are finished, he will 'sign' the taping, so you cant alterate it. Look, you cant even go outside the dressing room after the taping, if you need to go to bathroom and go out of the dressing room, you have to ask to the 'bue guy' and he will follow you to the bathroom!!

When the fight time is comming, they(blue man) will put your glove on and verify if the 'signature' is on the taping and not alterate and tape your wrist with blue or red tape (ducted tape) for the right corner color.

So Shield is a clown.

Voted  up for intelligent and informed response.

Stache - 
Randy "Stinks Like a Fart" Marsh - 
Rees23 -
Randy "Stinks Like a Fart" Marsh - 
dogfb -

^ And Jake talked to Dana about the whole thing.


It was him. 

How do you know they talked? Phone Post

1 - you could see Jake crouched down talking to Dana on tv.
2 - Dana said he came and spoke to him.

They could have been talking about anything. Did Dana say what they were discussing? Phone Post

Watch the press conference. Both Dana and GSP discussed this.


dperr -
sillyscreenname -
shaqitup - 

Does this look shady to you?

Uh, yes actually. They look bulky as fuck.

Thats cuz he has rolls of quarters in his hands Phone Post

I skipped over most of the posts and just assumed Jake was whining but um huh...

Never seen anyone in our dojo have wraps that looks like that ever, lol because now I'm going to parrot Jake and say I'm not saying he's cheating but that's way odd. Phone Post

UGSlapshot - 
dperr -
sillyscreenname -
shaqitup - 

Does this look shady to you?

Uh, yes actually. They look bulky as fuck.

Thats cuz he has rolls of quarters in his hands Phone Post

I skipped over most of the posts and just assumed Jake was whining but um huh...

Never seen anyone in our dojo have wraps that looks like that ever, lol because now I'm going to parrot Jake and say I'm not saying he's cheating but that's way odd. Phone Post

I'm curious about this picture too. The wraps don't look like anything I have seen before.

That being said, these wraps are not signed by anyone. That means they could have been completely re-wrapped after this picture was taken. I doubt they would sneakily change the wraps after the commission signed off on them then take a picture.

doesnt the commission have observers when the hands are being wrapped too?

BigEyedFish - doesnt the commission have observers when the hands are being wrapped too?

Yes. It was the commission that would not let the Diaz representative back into the dressing room because Shields had already given the OK on the gloves.

However, according to Shields, he thought the wraps looked "shady". So he decided to tell the commission that they were OK, then leave. We can only assume he went to ask Cesar for permission to complain, since Jake hasn't taken the oppurtunity to come back and explain the situation.

Jake probably forgot brass knucles weren't allowed but then after he clarified with Cesar they wouldn't let him back in the dressing room. Very shady indeed.

I heard GSP had broken glass on one wrap, a roll of nickles in the other...

just sayin

Post fight presser: 10:50 approx mark Dana addresses it, its only his words but he says Jake ok'd the wraps but then came back and wanted to have someone else have a look which is not protocol apparently, once ok'd, its ok'd so if this is true, it was Jake trying to be "shady" (or that him being denied a 2nd look was within protocol).

same clip, 32:30 'ish mark George talks about the scene Jake and his camp made in George's locker room about the wraps, the whole situation smells a little shady im afraid to say on your side, Jake.

Did you ok it initially then come back for another look and then make the scene when you were told that it was done?

Something shady about the Montreal weed eh jake? It sucks in general .

How about some shady eye rakes in your fight with gsp dude?

Jake the eye rake shields

Sorry just venting
Still a huge fan ( well about 205#)

Loved your fights in strikeforce and UFC!!
Amazing ground game!! World class. Phone Post

Shields fingering GSP for cheating?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Bat21 - 

Shields fingering GSP for cheating?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

An excellent choice of words, voted up

I don't get it.. Why are people posting "In"?? Am I missing something?? New poster here. Phone Post

pennviachoke - 

Everytime this thread bumps I'm hoping its Jake. Phone Post

He's not coming back

pennviachoke - 

I bet he was after this thread was started but who knows

I wonder if that will work? Phone Post

It worked..

and no

GSP did grease, Diaz's butthole cause he screwed him pretty good in that fight. Phone Post

UGCTT_EnderTL - 
BigEyedFish - doesnt the commission have observers when the hands are being wrapped too?

Yes. It was the commission that would not let the Diaz representative back into the dressing room because Shields had already given the OK on the gloves.

However, according to Shields, he thought the wraps looked "shady". So he decided to tell the commission that they were OK, then leave. We can only assume he went to ask Cesar for permission to complain, since Jake hasn't taken the oppurtunity to come back and explain the situation.

in other words these (Jake Sheilds and co) clowns have no good reason to complain

just to be clear:

all the rules and protocols were followed fully,...and Jake Shields defines that as "shady"?
