Something Shady....

vincan469 - 
6ULDV8 - 
nobadanymore - 
6ULDV8 -


Yep, still blabbering on about the notion that there should be a modicum of respect for fighters.


But you go ahead and feel superior by putting them down, because that's awesome.


Now go back a few pages and sign that 'Jake is acting like looser, Dana please fire to happy me make' thing.


Like a real fan would.

You're too stupid to see that this thread was a dick move by Jake.
Or you're too much of a pussy to admit it, just because he's a fighter.

Which one suits you best? Phone Post

What would suit me best is you saying this to my face and me smashing your face in.


That would suit me fantastically indeed.


The thing is, you wouldn't get in my face and say this, because you know what would happen and you would SIT THE FUCK DOWN!


But you go ahead and shoot your smart face off through your keyboard, just like I'm sure you'd do it to Jake's face.


That's what I mean by a modicum of respect.  If you think you're cool doing and saying shit online that you would never do in person, you're a loser.


Jake would look out for Nick in person too, which is what he was doing here.


Hate all you want, but I respect it.  He put this up just before the fight when he couldn't do anything else.

so you respect someone who calls a another fighter a cheater with no proof? integrity how does that work?

I just checked GSP's gloves and the wrap looked commission won't let me back. Been trying to for the past 30 minutes.... Not saying he's cheating but wtf?!


But WTF indeed.  What are those bumps halfway down the wraps?  


GSP is a warrior and I'm not saying he did anything wrong either, but if I saw those wraps on the man that was just about to fight my boy I'd make some noise too.


It looks like the wraps have been rebarred right around the wrist.

I hate to agree with this thread, but yeah. Those look fucked up.

nobadanymore - 
6ULDV8 -
nobadanymore - 
6ULDV8 -


Yep, still blabbering on about the notion that there should be a modicum of respect for fighters.


But you go ahead and feel superior by putting them down, because that's awesome.


Now go back a few pages and sign that 'Jake is acting like looser, Dana please fire to happy me make' thing.


Like a real fan would.

You're too stupid to see that this thread was a dick move by Jake.
Or you're too much of a pussy to admit it, just because he's a fighter.

Which one suits you best? Phone Post

What would suit me best is you saying this to my face and me smashing your face in.


That would suit me fantastically indeed.


The thing is, you wouldn't get in my face and say this, because you know what would happen and you would SIT THE FUCK DOWN!


But you go ahead and shoot your smart face off through your keyboard, just like I'm sure you'd do it to Jake's face.


That's what I mean by a modicum of respect.  If you think you're cool doing and saying shit online that you would never do in person, you're a loser.


Jake would look out for Nick in person too, which is what he was doing here.


Hate all you want, but I respect it.  He put this up just before the fight when he couldn't do anything else.

Wow. Tell me where to be, stupid. Of course I'd tell you and jake to your faces... At the same time. What, are you and jake gonna tag team me coz I think he pulled a dick move?. You're a fuckin retatd, mate. Seriously. Get help with that. Phone Post

No you wouldn't bro.  I promise you that.


Talk tough all you want here, but no, I promise you wouldn't be this much of a shithead in person.


If you're this much of a shithead in your own room and it makes you proud, more power to you, but no way you take this act public bro.


At least not in front of me.

6ULDV8 are you really this dense?

"I just checked GSP's gloves and the wrap looked commission won't let me back. Been trying to for the past 30 minutes.... Not saying he's cheating but wtf?!"

so he says he is cheating at the start and then he tries to weasel around that by saying his not.
just like the person who starts a racist comment with
i am not racist but .......

He was frustrated because he saw freaky wraps and couldn't do anything about it and the fight was about to start, so he posted here.


Then he got shit on for 30 pages by idiots that know nothing about sticking up for your boy no matter what.


And I got disgusted.


Did you look at the wraps with the huge bumps at the bottom?  Tell you what.  They looked shady.


No slam against GSP but I would want them looked at before the fight started.  


WTF was up with that weird bump anyway?


And did both halves of the golf ball go into the bag with those wraps right after the fight, or did they fall onto the mat?


I keed I keed, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet those weird little bumps didn't make it into the bag.


Just sayin.

6ULDV8 - 

He was frustrated because he saw freaky wraps and couldn't do anything about it and the fight was about to start, so he posted here.


Then he got shit on for 30 pages by idiots that know nothing about sticking up for your boy no matter what.


And I got disgusted.


Did you look at the wraps with the huge bumps at the bottom?  Tell you what.  They looked shady.


No slam against GSP but I would want them looked at before the fight started.  


WTF was up with that weird bump anyway?

then why didn't talk to the AC rep present instead of okaying the wraps and then posting unsubstantiated claims on here? he can't have it both ways and you doesn't seem to realize this.

crossfire - 
6ULDV8 -

And did both halves of the golf ball go into the bag with those wraps right after the fight, or did they fall onto the mat?


I keed I keed, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet those weird little bumps didn't make it into the bag.


Just sayin.

So its ok for you to label GSP as a cheater but you cry rivers for ppl calling out jake on his stupid post ? Phone Post

I have never and will never label GSP a cheater.


He didn't wrap his own hands and he even put up a pic of the wraps.


The wraps look funny.


Jake thought so and then couldn't do anything about it, so he posted here.


What the fuck is with all this 'Jake signed off on the wraps' shit?  That makes no sense.


You hate Jake Shields because he signed off on those wraps and then complained about it later.


How fucking stupid are you?



Never Paid Wolf Ticket Taxes - Guys I just sent a pm to every mod I know. I would strongly suggest that those of you who have bashed pro fighter Jake Shields go back and edit your posts before you find yourselves frozen or, even worse, band. Phone Post

If true

You need a timeout from the internets, you're taking this way to seriously and it's probably interfering with your everyday life.

You admit to vote down stalking, you troll GSP threads and his fans but as soon as your favorite fighter or his teammates come under attack that is how you choose to handle yourself. If mods come into this thread and clean house you should be the first one wiped from the toilet seat Phone Post

"You hate Jake Shields because he signed off on those wraps and then complained about it later."

So much stupid in only two sentences

Yes it's ok to do that, why did you do that? Phone Post

If anyone could show me a picture of Jake Shields signing GSP's wraps right before the Diaz fight, I will eat a fuck ton of crow.


Why in the fuck would Jake Shields sign GSP's wraps?


Seriously, you guys are fucking retarded.  Seriously and stupidly mentally retarded.


Sorry if that's offensive to all of the retarded people here.  Hopefully it's not most of you.

Never Paid Wolf Ticket Taxes - 

Guys I just sent a pm to every mod I know. I would strongly suggest that those of you who have bashed pro fighter Jake Shields go back and edit your posts before you find yourselves frozen or, even worse, band. Phone Post

yeah no one gives a fuck

6ULDV8 -

If anyone could show me a picture of Jake Shields signing GSP's wraps right before the Diaz fight, I will eat a fuck ton of crow.


Why in the fuck would Jake Shields sign GSP's wraps?


Seriously, you guys are fucking retarded.  Seriously and stupidly mentally retarded.


Sorry if that's offensive to all of the retarded people here.  Hopefully it's not most of you.

In the OP he said he just checked GSP wraps.... Now the commission won't let him back in there

He is saying he was once there to check them and wanted to go back again.... You understand that right, he just checked them now they won't let them back into inspect them again and why should they... He was just there and wanted to go back again.... He was there checking them, didn't say anything left, wanted to check them again.... Why do you need picture proof, it's in the OP... Phone Post

nobadanymore - 
6ULDV8 -

If anyone could show me a picture of Jake Shields signing GSP's wraps right before the Diaz fight, I will eat a fuck ton of crow.


Why in the fuck would Jake Shields sign GSP's wraps?


Seriously, you guys are fucking retarded.  Seriously and stupidly mentally retarded.


Sorry if that's offensive to all of the retarded people here.  Hopefully it's not most of you.

I dont even know what to say to you. I'm actually now surprised that you can even type words.
I've never met anyone this dumb, kinda starstruck... Or something. Phone Post

Want to fight about it?

I've never seen wraps like that.

nobadanymore - 

I feel I'm to old for that silly shit. But sure, come over to the UK and I'll be glad to shut you up. Phone Post

Hong Kong by way of Canada representing motherfucker.


Take your British ASS to Hong Kong and let's sort this out!


I might need a few naps first too, because I'm not the young buck I used to be.


Oh fuck am I not the young buck I used to be!  Fuck!


Tell you what.  Let's meet in the Maldives or something.


They got some badass clear water and corals.


What now motherfucker?

The fighter bashing in this thread makes me sick. All you drooling retards bashing on Jake should be thankful you can even view this thread granted by the power of the UG.

But no that's not good enough for you despicable lego chewing faggots, you just have to bite the hand that feeds you and go full retard on the dudes offering the insight.

Fighter bashers can fuck off out of here I hope you all get banned. Phone Post

Billytk - 
6ULDV8 - 
nobadanymore - 

I feel I'm to old for that silly shit. But sure, come over to the UK and I'll be glad to shut you up. Phone Post

Hong Kong by way of Canada representing motherfucker.


Take your British ASS to Hong Kong and let's sort this out!


I might need a few naps first too, because I'm not the young buck I used to be.


Oh fuck am I not the young buck I used to be!  Fuck!


Tell you what.  Let's meet in the Maldives or something.


They got some badass clear water and corals.


What now motherfucker?

not surprised you're a shields/diaz nuthugger you're obviously delusional and think you are WAY tougher then you actually are, have you already started coming up with excuses for why you get your ass kicked before the fights even happen too.

I'm just as much a nuthugger of GSP as I am of Shields or Diaz.  If Zahabi had come on here and said that Nick's wraps looked funny and now he couldn't do anything about it I wouldn't expect people to hate him either.


The corner's trying to look after their fighter right before the fight.  How can you hate that?


You guys seem to think that no matter what everyone should just shut up and accept everything right before a fight even if it doesn't seem right.  The hate displayed in this thread toward Jake is beyond reprehensible.


That's stupid and disrespectful and a big reason the big green names don't bother with the UG.  For the most part you're jerks that don't think for themselves.  You just jump on whatever bandwagon is going around.


It's sickening TBH




6ULDV8 -
Billytk - 
6ULDV8 - 
nobadanymore -  I feel I'm to old for that silly shit. But sure, come over to the UK and I'll be glad to shut you up. Phone Post

Hong Kong by way of Canada representing motherfucker.


Take your British ASS to Hong Kong and let's sort this out!


I might need a few naps first too, because I'm not the young buck I used to be.


Oh fuck am I not the young buck I used to be!  Fuck!


Tell you what.  Let's meet in the Maldives or something.


They got some badass clear water and corals.


What now motherfucker?

not surprised you're a shields/diaz nuthugger you're obviously delusional and think you are WAY tougher then you actually are, have you already started coming up with excuses for why you get your ass kicked before the fights even happen too.

I'm just as much a nuthugger of GSP as I am of Shields or Diaz.  If Zahabi had come on here and said that Nick's wraps looked funny and now he couldn't do anything about it I wouldn't expect people to hate him either.


The corner's trying to look after their fighter right before the fight.  How can you hate that?


You guys seem to think that no matter what everyone should just shut up and accept everything right before a fight even if it doesn't seem right.  The hate displayed in this thread toward Jake is beyond reprehensible.


That's stupid and disrespectful and a big reason the big green names don't bother with the UG.  For the most part you're jerks that don't think for themselves.  You just jump on whatever bandwagon is going around.


It's sickening TBH




My earlier post was negative but I do not believe disrespectful. Just my feeling but if the fight was razor thin and split decision it would make more sense for him to post what he did. If there were issues it would certianly come out imo. I just feel with what he did by posting he should have provided a bit more info to all the folks he stirred up. By not posting again tells me was nothing there and maybe hasty decision to make the post in the first place. Phone Post