Something Shady....

Shields for president.

Amazes me he can get so many views/comments on this thread.

Like Obama he's trolled the masses Phone Post

It's always something... People always need to bring the greats down... Phone Post

Ttt for some shady reason Phone Post

Jake's a good dude and means well. Just breezed over the thread, but couldn't see if Jake ever came back to further explain what shaddiness it was that he saw. There was a lot of inconsistencies over that weekend. If one little thing happened I'd brush it off but there seemed to be a few slightly shady things going on that weekend. If anything comes of this, lets at least get GSP to fight Hendrix in the states. Hendrix doesn't need to fight someone having the hometown edge. Phone Post

Ray Elbe - 

Shields for president.

Amazes me he can get so many views/comments on this thread.

Like Obama he's trolled the masses Phone Post

If his intention was to get a bunch of replies on an internet forum then he has achieved that and made himself look like an idiot in the process. Pretty big sacrifice if his intention was to get "so many views/comments" don't you think?

I don't think Jake posted again after the OP.  I do think he might have been feeling upset and frustrated and looking out for his boy.


He was also careful to say in his OP that he didn't say GSP was cheating, but he wanted to get the wraps looked at.


That was just before GSP and Nick fought.  If he really couldn't do anything else why would you flame him for posting here?  He certainly didn't do it as a publicity stunt or to further his career.  He did it because he was upset and looking out for his teammate.


To take that much shit from us nobodies here for taking the time to voice his concern is disgusting.


It sent a clear message that the only way to deal with us is put on a face and do it the same way you do it with the media.  Always wear the game face.  


We're rabid fans that must be pleased and not to be interacted with on a real level in any way, because brother, we'll shit all over you.  We're behind our keyboards and can do and express whatever the fuck we want with no repercussions of a fighter coming to discuss our disagreement with us whatsoever, because if you lay a hand on my I'll sue the fuck out of you and you will be ruined!


Real Budo.


There was a time not so long ago when it wasn't like that.  Sure there was some promotion, but there was also some real and hilarious shit by the big boys, because they didn't have to worry so much about getting flamed because they were cool dudes.


Maybe they weren't, but they were still greens so you had some respect son.


Now everyone is completely anonymous and can type whatever they want and the fighters better suck it because the fans pay their salary so they have to kowtow to them, and they better not forget it, because the fans are the only thing that matters!


In a way it's true, but in a way it makes me fucking sick to my stomach.  


Internet hivemind is a very real, powerful, and detrimental thing when everyone just jumps on the bandwagon because it's the thing to do.


Think for yourself fuckos, and make the world a better place. Phone Post

pennviachoke -
Lux Fixxins -
pennviachoke - Still no Jake?? Phone Post
? Phone Post

I'm waiting for Jake to show back up here Phone Post

I'll let him know y'all are waiting for him if I see him today... Phone Post 3.0

Jake is not coming back. That's shady..... Phone Post 3.0

6ULDV8 -

I don't think Jake posted again after the OP.  I do think he might have been feeling upset and frustrated and looking out for his boy.


He was also careful to say in his OP that he didn't say GSP was cheating, but he wanted to get the wraps looked at.


That was just before GSP and Nick fought.  If he really couldn't do anything else why would you flame him for posting here?  He certainly didn't do it as a publicity stunt or to further his career.  He did it because he was upset and looking out for his teammate.


To take that much shit from us nobodies here for taking the time to voice his concern is disgusting.


It sent a clear message that the only way to deal with us is put on a face and do it the same way you do it with the media.  Always wear the game face.  


We're rabid fans that must be pleased and not to be interacted with on a real level in any way, because brother, we'll shit all over you.  We're behind our keyboards and can do and express whatever the fuck we want with no repercussions of a fighter coming to discuss our disagreement with us whatsoever, because if you lay a hand on my I'll sue the fuck out of you and you will be ruined!


Real Budo.


There was a time not so long ago when it wasn't like that.  Sure there was some promotion, but there was also some real and hilarious shit by the big boys, because they didn't have to worry so much about getting flamed because they were cool dudes.


Maybe they weren't, but they were still greens so you had some respect son.


Now everyone is completely anonymous and can type whatever they want and the fighters better suck it because the fans pay their salary so they have to kowtow to them, and they better not forget it, because the fans are the only thing that matters!


In a way it's true, but in a way it makes me fucking sick to my stomach.  


Internet hivemind is a very real, powerful, and detrimental thing when everyone just jumps on the bandwagon because it's the thing to do.


Think for yourself fuckos, and make the world a better place.

Give me a break. He came on here to basically accuse another fighter of cheating and you are upset that he got called on it?

It was stupid for him to post such a thing on the Internet in the first place. Phone Post

He said in his OP that the wraps looked shady (they did) and that there was nothing he could do about it.  He also said GSP wasn't cheating.


Then he got dumped on for 35 pages.  Half the things said to him should be bannable as fighter bashing imo.


I'm sure he knows now how stupid it was to post here and I'm sure he'll never do it again.  


Can't blame him.  I wouldn't take that shit from 'fans' ever again either.


This is why we can't have nice things.

If having "nice things" means having guys like Jake come on here and slander other fighters I'll gladly take a pass.

You gladly do that.  By the way, who are the big names that are coming on here regularly still?


Oh...Right...No one.


You promote and pander to the fans and leave it at that, because for the most part we're fucking idiots with zero respect and have proven it time and again.


That's a damn shame.

6ULDV8 -

You gladly do that.  By the way, who are the big names that are coming on here regularly still?


Oh...Right...No one.


You promote and pander to the fans and leave it at that, because for the most part we're fucking idiots with zero respect and have proven it time and again.


That's a damn shame.

37 pages of white knighting. That might be a record outside of a Dave lang thread. Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, it's white knighting to respect a fighter looking out for the guy he's cornering.


I should try and shit all over him like the rest of you right?  


Because boy, Shields saying GSPs wraps looked funny is a free for all to pile on and insult him.


Not gonna happen bro.

6ULDV8 - 

Yeah, it's white knighting to respect a fighter looking out for the guy he's cornering.


I should try and shit all over him like the rest of you right?  


Because boy, Shields saying GSPs wraps looked funny is a free for all to pile on and insult him.


Not gonna happen bro.

You don't strike me as a dumb guy. And I'm not opposed to your point of view. But, at this point, I think you've moved beyond trying to make a point into just being argumentative for argument's sake. That's cool if you want to do that. It's a "win the Internet" move and that's cool if that's what you're after.

I do think there's some middle ground between Jake being totally innocent in his posting here and the meanies on the Internet bashing him for no reason...and Jake being the biggest douche on the planet that should be shot if ever seen in public again. 

To me, Jake had an agenda. He posted on here with the intent to stir up the masses, garner favor for Nick and further the image of GSP as a cheat/guy who receives special favors because he's GSP. That leaves him open to criticism...and some of our fellow UGers aren't really as adept as you are at expressing themselves and their point. 

Anyway, I guess that's my take for whatever it's worth. (Not much on the Internet).

I don't agree with people shitting all over Jake, but it is dissapointing he didn't return to clarify anything, or respond to anything that people were asking him.

He made the thread, threw the comment out there, and left. Could be seen as "stirring the pot" even if his intentions were good. It just wasn't fair to throw that comment out there and then leave it.

That being said, Jake Shields posted a thread on the UG the night his boy was fighting for the title against the most dominant WW in MMA.. that's pretty cool.

What's with those bumps under the wrists?  If I were cornering Nick I'd like to get those looked at before the fight started too.  


But nope, you shitheads made good and sure he won't be stupid enough to post anything here ever again, unless he's selling something.


Right on and keep on slamming him bros.


And I'm just being argumentative because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon, right?



6ULDV8 - 

What's with those bumps under the wrists?  If I were cornering Nick I'd like to get those looked at before the fight started too.  


But nope, you shitheads made good and sure he won't be stupid enough to post anything here ever again, unless he's selling something.


Right on and keep on slamming him bros.


And I'm just being argumentative because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon, right?



Jake made the thread well after that picture was posted. For all we know his hands could have been rewrapped after that.

And did you vote me down? I thought I stated my opinion in a respectful manner.

UGCTT_EnderTL - 
6ULDV8 - 

What's with those bumps under the wrists?  If I were cornering Nick I'd like to get those looked at before the fight started too.  


But nope, you shitheads made good and sure he won't be stupid enough to post anything here ever again, unless he's selling something.


Right on and keep on slamming him bros.


And I'm just being argumentative because I haven't jumped on the bandwagon, right?



Jake made the thread well after that picture was posted. For all we know his hands could have been rewrapped after that.

And did you vote me down? I thought I stated my opinion in a respectful manner.


So then let's shit on him!   Yahhhhh!  That'll learn him good about what we think boyo!



And no, I don't vote anyone down, unless you go way the fuck out of your way to be a shithead.


I'll be happy to tell you off, but like to save the votes for good posts and people that agree with me and I STILL get thrown on 50 vote cooldown all the time.  

Did you see that dude that called Rowdy Bec a classless bitch in his OP and then when she was nice enough to respond he told her to fuck off and called her a cunt?  That shit's a vote down. 


Imagine voting down everything you didn't agree with or thought was wrong?