Sonnen: Jones/Rampage 'spygate' is ridiculous

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                                Sonnen: Jones/Rampage 'spygate' is ridiculous

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                    <p>Speaking on Tuesday's edition of The MMA Hour, Sonnen said the whole thing began because of Jackson's victim mentality, calling the &quot;biggest poor-me fighter&quot; out there. While Sonnen acknowledged that it's likely a psychological tactic which allows Jackson to get into the right frame of mind to fight, he also said that he couldn't quite understand it.</p>

"It's silly," he said. "That's why I'm saying this whole thing is ridiculous. Look, I posted my entire training sessions live on the internet at The whole world could log in and watch Yushin [Okami] and I spart. Oscar de la Hoya holds open workout sessions. 'Sugar' Ray Leonard did this, 'Iron' Mike Tyson did this. And then some other guys like to be private. Floyd Mayweather won't let you watch him spar. Randy Couture had an open door policy. 'Come on in.' Dan Henderson's got an open-door policy. It's no big deal.

"But it's a mental thing," he continued. "If Rampage wants to be Mr. Private, and that's how he feels better, then let him. Tito [Ortiz] is the same way. Tito doesn't let guys watch him. I don't really get it. What could you possibly learn? A guy's got a couple hands, a couple feet and he's going to use them all in the ring. I don't know. I truly don't know. And if you're opponent wants to worry about you and what you're going to do, then he's not thinking about himself and what what he's going to do, and that's what really matters. So the whole thing was silly, but it was a major opportunity ... and the Jones camp ruined it."

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People listen to him because he is honest, unlike most fighters. A lot of fighters want to speak their mind but don't have the courage to do it. That's why they all hate him. Phone Post

4-4 in the UFC?

No finishes? WHO CARES?

Magnum TA - People listen to him because he is honest, unlike most fighters. A lot of fighters want to speak their mind but don't have the courage to do it. That's why they all hate him. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Saying Chael is honest just makes you sound crazy. Ask the NSAC and CSAC how honest he is or how about the people he embezzled money from.

I think you can learn a lot while studying someone's tendencies. I think Chael is way off there.

However, there is enough in-fight footage that I don't think you'd need to spy. Phone Post

Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

Honest Chael Sonnen

ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

Do people even read Chael Sonnen threads anymore or do they just automatically start dissing him?

I'm not a fan. Sometimes he's funny, most of the time he's full of shit. But nothing he said about Rampage is that far off.

Rampage can get out of a triangle.

CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

Dark Ryase - Do people even read Chael Sonnen threads anymore or do they just automatically start dissing him?

I'm not a fan. Sometimes he's funny, most of the time he's full of shit. But nothing he said about Rampage is that far off.

Thank you. You more eloquently made the point that I was trying to make.

CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.


Magnum TA - People listen to him because he is honest, unlike most fighters. A lot of fighters want to speak their mind but don't have the courage to do it. That's why they all hate him. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

I'm ignorant, yet you are the person that agrees with a person who consistently makes ignorant statements. Despite what your parents told you, there is no such thing as having a little bit of downs syndrome. Sorry, lil guy.

"The tendencies are the most natural when a fighter is in a real fight, not in training."

Bingo Phone Post

 Chael made some good points, but I do believe in developing a strategy for particular opponents.  If Shogun new that Jones would open up the fight with a flying knee I'm sure it would have changed that fight.

The bigger issue here, though is that Rampage is just being Rampage.  i don't think he's taking the whole conspiracy thing seriously.

CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

I'm ignorant, yet you are the person that agrees with a person who consistently makes ignorant statements. Despite what your parents told you, there is no such thing as having a little bit of downs syndrome. Sorry, lil guy.

I was going to apologize for my former insults and ask you that that we simply agrees to disagree, but we both know that it would be more fun to continue on with our childish behavior. So I digress… It is funny to me that you mention Chaels ignorant statements, which he has had a few, but I think that it is safe to say that you are insinuating that he is ignorant when the reality is that he is likely better educated than you, has a higher IQ than you, speaks better in public than you, has more business experience than you, and has the awareness to know full well that what he says infuriates people such as you. So, in conclusion I stand by my statement regarding your ignorance, and your mother wish that she would have swallowed you straight from the tap, before you ever had the chance to turn into the unfortunately substandard human being that you are today. Haha. It's all in good fun.

MPA - Sonnen's a loser just like the fans who adore him. Neither has class or integrity.

If me, or anyone else for that matter gave a shit what you think, that might be insulting. You can take you self righteous judgment of class and integrity, about someone that by the way you have never even met, and shove it up your ass.

^^^The thing is, I am actually a pretty likable guy. It’s this damn interweb Underground thing that makes me crazy.