Sonnen: Jones/Rampage 'spygate' is ridiculous

Chael has some good points, but at the same time, the whole concept of having a good game plan that will catch your opponent off guard can win a fight. Sonnen, and most of the guys he mentioned, has a pretty simple style and you always know what to expect with him. The issue is just that he's very good at certain things, so there's only so much you can do to combat those strengths. Other guys who are outmatched in certain parts of the game need specific and in turn secret gameplans.

CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

I'm ignorant, yet you are the person that agrees with a person who consistently makes ignorant statements. Despite what your parents told you, there is no such thing as having a little bit of downs syndrome. Sorry, lil guy.

I was going to apologize for my former insults and ask you that that we simply agrees to disagree, but we both know that it would be more fun to continue on with our childish behavior. So I digress… It is funny to me that you mention Chaels ignorant statements, which he has had a few, but I think that it is safe to say that you are insinuating that he is ignorant when the reality is that he is likely better educated than you, has a higher IQ than you, speaks better in public than you, has more business experience than you, and has the awareness to know full well that what he says infuriates people such as you. So, in conclusion I stand by my statement regarding your ignorance, and your mother wish that she would have swallowed you straight from the tap, before you ever had the chance to turn into the unfortunately substandard human being that you are today. Haha. It's all in good fun.

Never been mad at what Chael says. Many times it makes me laugh. What disturbs me is that there people that take what he says as fact and then when you point out past instances of him lying, you get insulted by people such as yourself. Also, I highly doubt he is better educated than me but, for sure a better public speaker but, I missed the memo that said you can't be educated and an ignorant racist. Also, if you mention my mother again I'm going to hack your IP adress,find out where you live, come in your house while your sleeping, pull you out of bed, take you outside and make you bite the curb while I stomp on the back of your head. And thats how a real american gangster threatens somebody.

CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

I'm ignorant, yet you are the person that agrees with a person who consistently makes ignorant statements. Despite what your parents told you, there is no such thing as having a little bit of downs syndrome. Sorry, lil guy.

I was going to apologize for my former insults and ask you that that we simply agrees to disagree, but we both know that it would be more fun to continue on with our childish behavior. So I digress… It is funny to me that you mention Chaels ignorant statements, which he has had a few, but I think that it is safe to say that you are insinuating that he is ignorant when the reality is that he is likely better educated than you, has a higher IQ than you, speaks better in public than you, has more business experience than you, and has the awareness to know full well that what he says infuriates people such as you. So, in conclusion I stand by my statement regarding your ignorance, and your mother wish that she would have swallowed you straight from the tap, before you ever had the chance to turn into the unfortunately substandard human being that you are today. Haha. It's all in good fun.

Never been mad at what Chael says. Many times it makes me laugh. What disturbs me is that there people that take what he says as fact and then when you point out past instances of him lying, you get insulted by people such as yourself. Also, I highly doubt he is better educated than me but, for sure a better public speaker but, I missed the memo that said you can't be educated and an ignorant racist. Also, if you mention my mother again I'm going to hack your IP adress,find out where you live, come in your house while your sleeping, pull you out of bed, take you outside and make you bite the curb while I stomp on the back of your head. And thats how a real american gangster threatens somebody.

Haha…. I like your style!
I am just joking around, as I hope that you can tell, and was insulting you, not your mother. Because you thought that I was insulting your mother, I apologize. And there is no need to hack anything, just send me an email and I will give you directions to my house if that is the route you really want to take. For me though, I am just having fun arguing with you. You can take it personally if you wish, but it’s the internet, and it the UG, and I don’t take it personally at all.
Right now I am giving myself a time out for bad behavior….

CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
CKH09 - 
ALL DAY JAY - Beneath it all, there is always a certain level of truth to what Chael says. Haters will say otherwise, but that is because they are not mentally capable of allowing them self to only see the words, without emotion involved. I dare say, mental midgets are Chael haters.

I dare say, only racists and people who slobber on them selves and eat glue sticks agree with anything Chael says.

I can say with certainty that you, my ignorant friend, are a load that your mother should have swallowed. Funny thing is, I am sure that she would agree with me.

I'm ignorant, yet you are the person that agrees with a person who consistently makes ignorant statements. Despite what your parents told you, there is no such thing as having a little bit of downs syndrome. Sorry, lil guy.

I was going to apologize for my former insults and ask you that that we simply agrees to disagree, but we both know that it would be more fun to continue on with our childish behavior. So I digress… It is funny to me that you mention Chaels ignorant statements, which he has had a few, but I think that it is safe to say that you are insinuating that he is ignorant when the reality is that he is likely better educated than you, has a higher IQ than you, speaks better in public than you, has more business experience than you, and has the awareness to know full well that what he says infuriates people such as you. So, in conclusion I stand by my statement regarding your ignorance, and your mother wish that she would have swallowed you straight from the tap, before you ever had the chance to turn into the unfortunately substandard human being that you are today. Haha. It's all in good fun.

Never been mad at what Chael says. Many times it makes me laugh. What disturbs me is that there people that take what he says as fact and then when you point out past instances of him lying, you get insulted by people such as yourself. Also, I highly doubt he is better educated than me but, for sure a better public speaker but, I missed the memo that said you can't be educated and an ignorant racist. Also, if you mention my mother again I'm going to hack your IP adress,find out where you live, come in your house while your sleeping, pull you out of bed, take you outside and make you bite the curb while I stomp on the back of your head. And thats how a real american gangster threatens somebody.

Haha…. I like your style!
I am just joking around, as I hope that you can tell, and was insulting you, not your mother. Because you thought that I was insulting your mother, I apologize. And there is no need to hack anything, just send me an email and I will give you directions to my house if that is the route you really want to take. For me though, I am just having fun arguing with you. You can take it personally if you wish, but it’s the internet, and it the UG, and I don’t take it personally at all.
Right now I am giving myself a time out for bad behavior….

You sure its not the male dominatrix you hired, thats giving you a time out? And no, I don't need directions to your house. I know how to get to the van, down by the river. But, don't try to act hard on the internet,its gives away that your actually a pussy. Was just going all Chael on you, with the American Gangster comment. Guess you din't see that interview. Just get roadrunner in the van?

^^^ I did see the interview, that why I said "I like your style." And seriously, if you are really so upset that you want to test your idea that I am indeed a pussy, I am sure that we can figure something out. You dont want that though, and really, neither do I. I have better things to do, and I apparently unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to this. Got to go. We can argue again another day. Deal? Cheers.
Got to figure out how to get this damn van running first!

Edward Norton Fan - Also, if you mention my mother again I'm going to hack your IP adress,find out where you live, come in your house while your sleeping, pull you out of bed, take you outside and make you bite the curb while I stomp on the back of your head. And thats how a real american gangster threatens somebody.

Drama queen pretending to be Kevin Mitnick. Son, you are disappoint.

 LOL, Rampage trolled Chael too! Skills!

 when did Fighter Bashing become the new MMAth?

'ol C.P. Sonnen would walk through Mr. Q.Jackson.

 Rampage would take Chael's and Lindland's lunch at the same time.

ABE FROMAN -  Rampage would take Chael's and Lindland's lunch at the same time.

 he barely beat Matt, did you watch the fight?

Cyril Jeff - 
ABE FROMAN -  Rampage would take Chael's and Lindland's lunch at the same time.
he barely beat Matt, did you watch the fight?
About 10 times in 1972, before Matt's wrestlefucking became common knowledge and everybody started knocking him out.

Today's Rampage would stuff every takedown and send Quest heads flying like an eagle.                         

like he did to founding Team Quest Member Dan "Hollywood Hendo" Henderson?

Cyril Jeff - like he did to founding Team Quest Member Dan "Hollywood Hendo" Henderson?
Hendo is like 5x Lindlands and 3x Chaels. 


shutup chael, nobody's even mentioned that shit for the past 10 days, worry about your own fight and let other people worry about their shit, nobody gives a fuck what your whiny ass thinks, go back to stalking anderson

calling it spygate and talking about planting moles in camps and everybody else's overblown exaggerations are what make it seem ridiculous... someone giving some info to grease jackson is really not that far-fetched

 100% Team Quest, and no way Q. Jackson beats C.P. Sonnen, I just don't see it...

Cyril Jeff -  100% Team Quest, and no way Q. Jackson beats C.P. Sonnen, I just don't see it...
How could you NOT see it? Jackson is the perfect fighter to put Chael in the hospital. Unless you know somebody else that can stuff 17 takedowns from Matt Hammill without breaking a sweat. Without takedowns Chael is a walking target.


Cyril Jeff - like he did to founding Team Quest Member Dan "Hollywood Hendo" Henderson?

well, hendo has not been in team quest HQ in portland for quite some time, he's been doing his own thing for a good while

annnd, big fan of both guys but rampage beat dan everywhere that fight went for 3 or 4 out of the 5 rounds... that fight is probably the most under-appreciated true mixed martial arts title fights in the past few years. boxing, wrestling, scrambles, technical positioning... had it all

also, dan would knock both chael and lindland into next week these days, rampage would steal chael's ice cream sundae and make him him bring him a spoon with a smile

in this hypothetical fight, will chael be allowed to fight rampage with synthetic testosterone at 13 times the level he's supposed to be at? or will he be unjustly wronged and forced to fight fair?

the guy who got tossed around by demain maia before he went to the "doctor" and found out about this new convenient serious medical issue he has, would get curbstomped in minutes

the guy on TRT would get beat up for 2 rounds before the referee kindly stepped in to prevent brain damage and possible stroke and/or death-in-octagon. fighter safety first imo


Cyril Jeff -  100% Team Quest, and no way Q. Jackson beats C.P. Sonnen, I just don't see it...
How could you NOT see it? Jackson is the perfect fighter to put Chael in the hospital. Unless you know somebody else that can stuff 17 takedowns from Matt Hammill without breaking a sweat. Without takedowns Chael is a walking target.

I can only hope that Chael gets bored at MW some day and moves up, would love to see this fight happen...