Sonnen: Telemarketer "Suprisingly Intimidating"

Chael Sonnen Yields to "Intimidating" Telephone Salesman

by Mitch Cumstein

March 5, 2014

Editorials, Feature Stories, Spotlight


Former UFC Middleweight title contender Chael Sonnen apologized, then bought a year-long subscription to Better Homes and Gardens after a brief discussion with a telephone solicitor. "I felt bad because it took a while to get to the phone. We were eating dinner," Sonnen said.

The fighter, known for his brash style and fearless approach to competition, recently ended a long course of testosterone replacement therapy. The sudden cessation has caused his testosterone levels to plummet.

"He was aggressive, but he made some pretty good points, so we closed the deal."  Chael paid a small additional fee to reserve an option to renew in one year.
"I doubt I'll even have time to read them, honestly," Sonnen said matter of factly. "I've been playing a lot of mixed-couples badminton. We have a no spiking at the net rule. Safety first."

This cumstein guy is all over. I love his work. Phone Post 3.0

Lolz Phone Post 3.0

Made me laugh, VTFU Phone Post 3.0

LOL, not bad OP.

"Safety first." Haha!

I lol'ed

I would love to play badminton with Chael Sonnen.


I have a YY T100 with T28 titanium strings tuned to 23 pounds.  That's right, 23 pound stretch.


We WILL spike at the net though, so no girls allowed.

Yawn Phone Post

Cumstein is the shit Phone Post 3.0

Lol Phone Post 3.0


2JupitersTooMany - 

I would like to buy a home from this gentleman.

A lot of people don't realize it, but the work of a realtor is quite dangerous.  Carbon Monoxide risks, the sharp edges of stainless steel appliances, heavy unsecured sections of granite countertop.  The risk level has even been compared to that assumed by an airline stewardess, post-911.

haha 2jupes for the win again!

This Mitch guy is currently the best journalist in mMa, Ariel you about to lose that award you keep winning, new sherriff in town

Awesome! Phone Post 3.0

superCalo - 

This Mitch guy is currently the best journalist in mMa, Ariel you about to lose that award you keep winning, new sherriff in town

I will pass along your kind words.  Mitch has decided to take a run at journalism again, was recommended as part of his recovery plan.

Mitch is the type of journalist mma has been waiting for.