Spike strongly counterprogramming UFC on FOX

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                                Spike strongly counterprogramming UFC on FOX

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                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[mmajunkie.com]</strong>

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Further solidifying the rift between the UFC and its longtime cable partner, Spike TV today announced counter-programming for the UFC's debut on network TV.

Spike TV will air a "UFC Unleashed" marathon – dubbed "Dos Santos vs. Velasquez: Unleashed for the Heavyweight Title" – featuring past fights with UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez and Junior Dos Santos.

The marathon begins just as Velasquez and Dos Santos fight at UFC on FOX 1, the UFC's first show on network TV.

Spike TV still has the rights to the UFC library in 2012, and unless the UFC buys back the rights, Spike TV likely will counter-program FOX's live content with archived content.

Read entire article...


lol @ blaf having to deal with his own tactics used against him

This could get interesting.

Seems to me like they would just be helping hype the fight for fox with all the promos/publicity they will do.

They may get a few retards to tune in instead of watching the live fight, but who cares?

 That is just dirty of Spike and pretty stupid.

A free, live title fight or past fights... Hmmmm I wonder what I will be watching.

I am so glad that the UFC isn't on Spike anymore, I never have to watch that stupid channel again.

Doesn't matter, they don't need that demographic.

 I cringe every time I have to tune in TUF.

Good for them. The UFC is ditching SpikeTV and turning their back on them. I think its a shitty thing to do bc they took a chance on TUF when no other network would

Keep it classy Dana

Fair play Phone Post

They will get some people with that.

There was a UG poster that got caught..watched an old Spike Ultimate Fight Night re-run, when the UFC was airing on Versus, then commented on it the next day.

Spike TV will air a "UFC Unleashed" marathon – dubbed "Dos Santos vs. Velasquez: Unleashed for the Heavyweight Title" – featuring past fights with UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez and Junior Dos Santos.

Counter-programming is fair game.

Counter-programming w/footage of Cain and JDS is even fair game.

That title, however...they might be stepping over the line with that title. Look for UFC to sue to either block the program or to demand it be re-named so as not to confuse the consumers.

What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

I used to love spike. Now i fucking hate it

BrockbackMountain - What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

People that hear there is UFC on, watch Spike without realizing they are watching re-runs.

That is how.

It happened to a guy on here during the last Versus event.

What is funny is the only thing Spike has to counter program the UFC is, well is the UFC. Counter programming is fair game but its pretty sad that the best they can do is try to Mask themselves as the fight airing live. If they wanted to simply do what the UFC does, they should have thrown some Bellator on if that is even possible as I don't know if they can't show anything other than Zuffa stuff. But they should try and use something other than trying to trick the viewers into tuning in. Make no mistake, that is exactly what they are doing. They are hoping to fool viewers into watching. That is weak on their part, and by weak meaning they feel the need to fool viewers instead of getting them to tune into something only on Spike. UFC is not exclusive to Spike so there is no need to point out that Unleashed is original programming.

I'll be curious to see how it works though.


THey learned from the best.



K-Dub-"T" - 
LayNprayFaggotNINJA - 

 I never once said I could kick your ass. ....

You can probably kick my ass. NOW WHAT? 

  stalker bitch troll faggot. lol.


Chimonos Revenge - 
BrockbackMountain - What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

People that hear there is UFC on, watch Spike without realizing they are watching re-runs.

That is how.

It happened to a guy on here during the last Versus event.
Didn't Spike's Nate Marquardt marathon pull more viewers than the Versus live show that was supposed to be headlined by Nate Marquardt?

Doesn't this help The UFC? Spike is already doing a UFC Primetime on the 30th for the fight. This will come off as a 'repeat' to the masses. Talk about counterprogramming fail at it's finest.

That'll teach em.

Zedlepln - 
Chimonos Revenge - 
BrockbackMountain - What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

People that hear there is UFC on, watch Spike without realizing they are watching re-runs.

That is how.

It happened to a guy on here during the last Versus event.
Didn't Spike's Nate Marquardt marathon pull more viewers than the Versus live show that was supposed to be headlined by Nate Marquardt?

Not sure, but not surprising.

Lots of casual fans just automatically tune into spike, and havent watched enough MMA to realize they are watching re-runs.