Spike strongly counterprogramming UFC on FOX

Anyone else think that they're just trying to bury UFC? I doubt many people are going to watch Cain/JDS repeats over the actual Cain/JDS live fight, but maybe that's the point?

This could pull terribly low ratings and Spike can say, "Look how bad our UFC block was, we're dumping them at just the right time. They don't do anything for us anymore."

Obviously they'd be wrong because UFC on FOX should be huge, but TV execs spin things however they want in their favor.

Won't it make the Fox ratings better?

I'd assume that the Fox ratings will spike when the fight starts and drop off as soon as it's over. If this happens it will just show how many people switched to Fox just foe the fight.

Not sure whats on Fox before or after the fight but I doubt I'll be watching whatever it is. Phone Post

Live fight on Network TV vs. old Fights on Cable?

not tough to see who wins this battle.

will Spike capture any viewers?

I would agrue, none that would have tuned into FOX anyways...

The UFC countered I think a Strikeforce card by running the UFC 102 card on Spike and I knew a guy who thought he was watching new fights.

For everyone saying that the casual fans auto assume to turn channel to Spike:

Casual fans are usually fans of other major sports. With Football season already kicking off and Baseball gearing up for playoffs - chances are (like many of you) the "casual fan" has seen the advertisements for this fight on FOX. I would say at this point, anyone who watches MMA casual or not - knows about this fight on FOX. Where ever I look, I have seen this fight advertised

The reality is that while Spike will probably get some views with their counterprogramming - FOX will probably do just as well, times two.

Lamest threat ever.

Spike: "If you don't buy back your library, we're going to give it a shitload of airtime and build up your brand in the process!"

UFC: "Go ahead"

Spike: "We're serious! We're are going to air you old programming all the time. How do you like them apples?"

UFC: "We love them apples. Keep up the good work"

Spike's threat plays right into Zuffa's hands. Zuffa is all about carpet bombing the airwaves with as much content as possible. Spike's threat is no threat at all. It is exactly what Zuffa wants them to do.

If Spike REALLY wanted the UFC to buy back the library, they should have threatened to bury it and not air a single second of Zuffa programming for an entire year. That is threat that would have had some teeth and might have forced Zuffa to pony up some cash for the library. They would not have allowed their library to sit idle for a full year with no airtime.

 Hmm, should I watch these "road TO the title" reruns on Spike, or watch the live TITLE FIGHT on Fox???

Chimonos Revenge - 
BrockbackMountain - What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

People that hear there is UFC on, watch Spike without realizing they are watching re-runs.

That is how.

It happened to a guy on here during the last Versus event.

LOL then he is retarded.

"Dos Santos vs. Velasquez: Unleashed for the Heavyweight Title" 

Hahahaha!  That is classic.  Like the low budget companies that release BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES on DVD just when BATTLE: LOS ANGELES hits theaters.


So people are going to think Spike's programming is live even though they'll show the same two men fighting multiple people during that time slot. How dumb do you have to be to think that's live? Tournaments aren't around anymore. Phone Post

Kanyeisagayfish -  So people are going to think Spike's programming is live even though they'll show the same two men fighting multiple people during that time slot. How dumb do you have to be to think that's live? Tournaments aren't around anymore. Phone Post

 Uh yes, it happened the last time they did id.

They got more views for the Marquardt marathon than the actual scheduled live fight on vs.........



K-Dub-"T" - 
LayNprayFaggotNINJA - 

 I never once said I could kick your ass. ....

You can probably kick my ass. NOW WHAT? 

  stalker bitch troll faggot. lol.


Dana is going to go Walter white on spike and off them like tuco! Phone Post

BrockbackMountain - 
Chimonos Revenge - 
BrockbackMountain - What kind of idiot would watch old fights on spike when you can watch new fights on FOX?

Both are free...

People that hear there is UFC on, watch Spike without realizing they are watching re-runs.

That is how.

It happened to a guy on here during the last Versus event.

LOL then he is retarded.

No Doubt

K-Dub, that post signature is extremely annoying.


The best tactic Spike can use at this point is to utilize the least amount of UFC material as possible. The UFC is going mainstream with FOX and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Every UFC related show they put on has potential for producing thousands of new MMA fans.


This board gives people TOO MUCH CREDIT. There are a ton of IDIOTS out there.TONS. How many times have we had threads of fake UFC fighters and a bunch of people believed that person? Didnt the Spike counter program a Versus event and damn near had better numbers? People are fucking stupid.


Spike will get a shitload of free rating from dumb tards. Bank on it.





K-Dub-"T" - 
 Uh yes, it happened the last time they did id.

They got more views for the Marquardt marathon than the actual scheduled live fight on vs.........<br type="_moz" /> 

Versus =/= Fox

Fox is one of the biggest networks in the world, Spike is a niche channel with a fraction of the viewers.

Significance of that GIF?

Is it a trap?

MonsterBalls - Business as usual. ;)


bubkusjones - 
K-Dub-"T" - 
 Uh yes, it happened the last time they did id.

They got more views for the Marquardt marathon than the actual scheduled live fight on vs.........

Versus =/= Fox

Fox is one of the biggest networks in the world, Spike is a niche channel with a fraction of the viewers.

Spike wants a bunch of free veiwers, they are not trying to beat fox. If they get a half of million extra veiwers, they WON.