Spike strongly counterprogramming UFC on FOX

So let me get this straight. Spike is trying to hurt the UFC by counter-programming right? So the wY they decide to do it is by marketing a marathon of extremely popular current UFC fighters fights? The way I see it....this is free marketing for the UFC and for jds and Cain. People who for whatever reason don't have fox can watch Cain and jds fights thus becoming greater fans to buy future ppv's.

Great plan. Stick it to them spike Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge - Significance of that GIF?

Is it a trap?
Not a trap, just board.

Spike will get a shitload of free rating from dumb tards. Bank on it.

But that doesn't hurt the UFC. Those tards are still watching the UFC. Spike will still be building the UFC's brand. That is GOOD thing for Zuffa.

Also, as part of their deal for the library, I am sure Zuffa built in a certain amount of ad inventory for each showing. Zuffa can simply advertise their live shows DURING Spike's airing of old Unleashed episodes and PPVs.

Ensanity - 
Chimonos Revenge - Significance of that GIF?

Is it a trap?
Not a trap, just board.

ahh, ok.
Not showing her face made me suspicious.

Ensanity - Spike wants a bunch of free veiwers, they are not trying to beat fox. If they get a half of million extra veiwers, they WON.

1. Those viewers aren't 'free'. Spike paid for the rights to library. They are simply recouping their investment.

2. Zuffa gets those viewers too. Spike will just be tacking on additional viewers on top of those who watched the live show on FOX.

Spike is actually playing foul, the UFC on Soike brought there organizations..its veru pool bussines practices...

They even have ads on the Spike website for Bellator not to mention that the other promotion adds during UFC programming,,

Some friendly realationshp..Spike/UFC should be celebrated but insted Soike shows theie true colors...

Oh well

 Spike counter programmed versus... The difference here besides the enormous platform difference between Fox and Versus is that Zuffa wasnt really pushing versus that much if at all.

Zuffa will be pushing fox and fx hard as the new home for the UFC and they will also be positioning spike as the rerun network.  Spike is playing with fire because Dana and the UFC can hurt spike more than vice versa.


Zedlepln - <p>lol @ blaf having to deal with his own tactics used against him</p>


Mix6APlix - Ummm who the fuck is going to watch a marathon of old fights when they could be watching a legendary live and free HW collision?
STUPID FUCKS. Teh world is filled with them.

Haha some dumb fuck will fall for it...Spike is trying to force the UFC to buying back their content so they can air bellator fights...Dana is staying firm and refusing Phone Post

Mix6APlix - Ummm who the fuck is going to watch a marathon of old fights when they could be watching a legendary live and free HW collision?


ONE fight on fox that could last just seconds vs. a marathon of fights on spike...

ChokeEmOut -
Standup29 - What is funny is the only thing Spike has to counter program the UFC is, well is the UFC. Counter programming is fair game but its pretty sad that the best they can do is try to Mask themselves as the fight airing live. If they wanted to simply do what the UFC does, they should have thrown some Bellator on if that is even possible as I don't know if they can't show anything other than Zuffa stuff. But they should try and use something other than trying to trick the viewers into tuning in.

Let's face it kid, you're no business man. You don't counter program a major brand name with a brand nobody knows. Counter programming the UFC with the UFC is not "weak". It is ideal.

Dana used Spike for this very thing to counter program Strikeforce. Now it's being used against him, it's just business remember. haha

OK first of all, Im not a kid, most likely older than you. Secondly you made my exact point. They don't have anything known that could overshadow the ufc.

Third, they are not just counter programing, I said that was fine cause it is, and they are not just using UFC programming to counter UFC programing they are attempting to make it look like what will be live. Obviously anyone who pays any attention will know what channel. But if someone just hearing about the ufc or someone just not paying attention may tune in or set their dvr to record that thinking it was something else. And that is what I said was weak. I never once said it didn't make sense or wasn't a more profitable approach. Its just shows how desperate they are at this point. I don't know if they got screwed and are pissed or if its just business. I do know its pretty low to attempt what could only be viewed as trying to sound like the live fight is on Spike not Fox. They didn't just call it ufc unleashed, they made it sound like the live fight.

And that and only that is what I have a problem with. You don't, cool good for you. Next time just say so, don't act like a dick because your on an internet forum. You can question what I said without acting like an ass. Were ya having a bad day and needed to educate some kid on the UG? Feel better now? Put that "knowledge" you poses to running your company and just leave little kids like me to ruin our businesses.

OK? Cool thanks. Phone Post

Magic8 - 
Mix6APlix - Ummm who the fuck is going to watch a marathon of old fights when they could be watching a legendary live and free HW collision?

ONE fight on fox that could last just seconds vs. a marathon of fights on spike...

So watch the marathon then switch over for the real fight?

OR DVR Both of them.


K-Dub-"T" -  LOL.
THey learned from the best.

BLAF-KARMA!!!!!!!<br type="_moz" />

MMALOGIC -  Spike counter programmed versus... The difference here besides the enormous platform difference between Fox and Versus is that Zuffa wasnt really pushing versus that much if at all.

Zuffa will be pushing fox and fx hard as the new home for the UFC and they will also be positioning spike as the rerun network.  Spike is playing with fire because Dana and the UFC can hurt spike more than vice versa.

referring to the comment, Zuffa hasn't been pushing the Versus fights..I dont get that, they have been extremely busy with setting up this FOX deal...I think Dana White and company have done a fine job

Hardcore fans will find our where to watch t, its no big deal. Believe me Dana wants to turn profit but most of these companies are losing money and ppl wonder why Dana does this ad they call it a monopoly the USC has done exactly what they should be doing..soon all their contracts are up

Ensanity - 
Chimonos Revenge - Significance of that GIF?

Is it a trap?
Not a trap, just board.

 if you are so BORED, then you should learn how to spell.

Thanks for clarifying what he meant, I thought he was talking about planking.

God I hate spelling nazis, lamest way to project anger and insecurity ever.

Ensanity - 
Chimonos Revenge - Significance of that GIF?

Is it a trap?
Not a trap, just board.

 if you are so BORED, then you should learn how to spell.
Brain Fart, I just woke up around the time I posted that.

Don't see what the big deal is. 

Spike isn't a rival MMA org or rival sport like boxing. They're a basic cable channel, they can show whatever they have the rights to. Who gives a shit

  1. Nobody, including the Spike TV execs, thinks Spike is going to "beat" the UFC on Fox

    2. The people who post on the UG aren't who Spike wants to grab

    3. I really can't comprehend people who don't understand that stealing viewers from the Fox debut hurts and doesn't help the UFC