St. Jude Children's Hospital


deffinately work with strasser. he is mma in WI





Fearless Goat,

Drop me an email.

I'm heading to Canada later this year to host a few bodyweight conditining seminars and will be donating my speaking 'fees' to a homeless organization in the local area (of Canada).

Drop me a line and let's see if we can work together.



Do you have full access to the Ghost-town gym? I'd recommend
asking a local high school for use of their mats and do a
tournament. Maybe you can even find a local awards/trophey
shop to provide medals as a donation. Even $25 per person to
compete could add up quick.

I'd also look into getting Garrett Lowney in there for a wrestling
seminar. He is going to the Olympics again and works out there
at Ghost-town. I know a lot of guys who would love to learn
some takedowns from an Olympic wrestler. And by October he
may even have a new Olympic medal to show...

Just some thoughts,


I am looking at having it in Kaukauna at Quinney School, because Ghost Town is too small for this large of an event. I am working the details.

These are what I am thinking right now:

Date will most likely be in October.

I want to have a ONE hour demonstration of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Gi and No Gi....all different schools can do their own demonstration. Then we will have an open mat of rolling for an hour or two where Jiu-Jitsu people, fans, people in attendence, kids, etc can all participate. Then with the UFC vets that attend they can roll with the fans and people in attendence. I know I would spend near a $100 to roll with all of them. I am thinking something like $1 a minute against the UFC fighters and pro fighters. Donations will be given from the community and all in attendence. It will be like $5 at the door of everyone who attends. There will be prizes drawn, etc.

Thoughts and Opinions?

I didnt really wanna do a tourney thing, cause people in attendence that never did Jiu-Jitsu or MMA would wanna compete. I would like to get a big crowd there and possibly get people on the mats against professionals that never did it before. Maybe that will draw crowds to Fox Valley Grappling Club and Robert Mrotek Jiu-Jitsu Academy. That is the last thing in my mind right now, but its possible.

Robert "Fearless Goat" Mrotek

p.s. I will try getting a hold of Lowry. Any idea of how to do that Mr. Kriegs?

It's a great thing you're doing Fearless Goat!! Much respect to you!!!!

ttt for St. Jude! :-)




I don't have any contact information for Lowney, but I would start
by looking at this site -

Good luck.




