Stephan Bonnar Kicked Out of Gym "Wake up you sheep"

Yeah, not the agenda of selfish moron crybabies like you.

You guys are lucky that gyms are allowed to open in your country, in Germany they’re all closed since over a year, people aren’t even allowed to leave theyr houses after 9pm…

I love how people in my city/state are coming around. There’s an unspoken unity and respect for fellow non mask wearers.

I know for some weird reason this is going to upset people, but I’ve gone out multiple times to multiple places where masks weren’t being enforced, and weeks have come and gone and I haven’t been sick. Not even in the slightest.

A part of me feels like I have so many arguments I could make to someone who has the stance that we should all wear mask, but instead I just want to tell them…

Wear your mask. Plan on wearing a mask for at least 5 years. Wear a mask as long as you can. Try your best not to feel stupid when majority of people aren’t wearing one and aren’t getting sick.

Unfortunately our smiles and laughter will be visible because we won’t be wearing a mask.

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In your case I’m sure it’s unfortunate.

Wear a mask for at least ten more years.

Actually, do it longer. Remember how you are chastising people for wearing a mask, because if/WHEN you finally stop wearing one, you’re going to feel like an ass.


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I don’t know, man. Are you cool with people talking in the movie theatre? To me, we have a right to get what we paid for. It’s as simple as that.

There was a great bar in NYC I used to go to. It has an amazing beer selection. One day, it decided to re-brand as a “quiet bar.” They had signs everywhere saying that it was a quiet bar and if groups got too loud, they got shhhheeed.

Not my cup of tea. I’m not a loud guy, but the atmosphere rubbed me the wrong way. So, I stopped going. But, the shhhhing didn’t piss me off. It was the bar owners’ right to make their bar a quiet bar and customers were right to expect the atmosphere they were promised.

And yeah, I’m American born and raised. I’ve spent time overseas, but I’ve always been an American citizen.

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You’re essentially arguing with flat earthers that the earth is indeed round. It’s just not worth it.

Im American as well and like you did 8n your post, often times I’ll spell theatre and centre like that instead of like theater/center.

I get your point. However at a gym, I get the feeling you wouldn’t have told on the guy and if that’s correct you’re still arguing an action you yourself wouldn’t do.
If you are the tattle tail sensitive type, that’s one of the first wrestlers I’ve ever seen have that type of mindset.

LOL. I bought my phone and computers while I was living in the “British” English world. So, I’m sorta programed to it at this point.

I am very open to directly asking people to be polite. I don’t see that as being a tattle tail. As I mentioned earlier, if people cut me in line, I ask them not to. Most wrestlers I know are similarly assertive. I haven’t asked people to put their masks on, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable at a place that mandates masks.

At the same time, i recognize that not everybody is as physically confident as I am. I understand why an old lady might choose to report somebody rather than ask, say, a Mayor Pro Temp Tito Ortiz to mask up.

Old lady probably wasn’t lifting weights at a gym.

Sounds like to prove a point you’re going more the devil’s advocate route instead of saying you too would have gone to a gym and told management “um that guys not wearing a mask”

How long are you prepared to wear a mask for? 3 more years?

You just pulled a Dan reference out of thin air. VU.

Tons of old ladies at my gym.

No. I’m just saying that they aren’t wrong in taking steps to ensure their safety.

Right now, as more of the country gets vaccinated, I think that masks allow us to limit community spread so that we can get closer to normal. Gyms, airplanes, etc. are all much safer BECAUSE of the minor inconvenience of masks. So, I’m willing to do what it takes to help people live safely.

You havent asked yourself when is it unreasonable. Right now you’re in the sheep stage (it’s okay I was in it too).

On your own time, you’re gonna think about this convo.

Places are only going to open up, not restrict. Eventually there won’t be anyone wearing mask at gyms. Eventually you’re going to get to decide when YOU don’t think mask are necessary. It will come down to your choice, so again I ask you to ask yourself, are you prepared to wear a mask for another year? 3 years? 5?

Whenever you’re ready to join team I’m tired of the living in fear weak crowd, we have a reserved seat for the typical tough wrestler mindset. It says Wiggum on the seat cushion. You’ll like it. Great view. Even better people :slight_smile:

I wish I was smart enough to know that people with different views than me were simply uninformed sheep who might be lucky enough to find their way.

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Dude, you’re a whiny bitch and nobody cares. Don’t fucking come near me in public without a mask.

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Voted down

Plan on wearing a mask for at least 5 more years.

And tell yourself it’s the right thing.

Haha, Carlos had many ambitions. Stephan was a physical therapist or something prior to fighting. He seems to have other issues now.