Stop a match to get a DQ?


Just wondering how other guys would handle this. The guy in the blue gi is a guy I train with. At 2:24 he reaps the leg (he didn't understand the rule)but the ref doesn't stop it, the guy in the white gi tells the ref his leg was reaped and the ref gives him the win by DQ.

Does anyone here do the same or do you just keep rolling and let the ref call the match? I agree that my buddy reaped the leg, that is without question. The ref did a bad job and the other dude stopped and asked for a DQ; and got it (rightfully so).

Anyone else do the same thing? Just terrible reffing?

FYI I hate the leg reap rule. Next thing you know arm bars are going to be outlawed because they can hurt your arm. I think, at least at the lower levels, there should at least be a warning before getting DQ'd.

I don't pull X when competing because someone could call it unless its NAGA. Phone Post

I respect the guy for actually confronting the ref about doing a shitty job reffing instead of just quietly and unjustifiably losing. It's weird that the ref actually listened though.<br /><br />And how in the fuck are you going to get called for reaping playing X guard?

Ive seen that exact thing happen a lot, shitty way to win imho.. I would also like to know how you would get called for reaping from X guard???

1. WTF did I just watch?? What is wrong with your friend? Why was the other guy chewing gum??

2. How the hell can you get called for reaping in X guard?

WHat kinda douche feels good about winning on a technicality?

Synado -
South Philly D - 1. WTF did I just watch?? What is wrong with your friend? Why was the other guy chewing gum??

2. How the hell can you get called for reaping in X guard?

I guess my answer was not good enough for you. How about a video on the one legged x position.

Your initial wording was confusing. You said you would get called for reaping in X guard when really you meant transitioning from one legged X guard to X guard. There's no way to reap when you are in standard X guard... Hence the confusion. Phone Post

Synado -
Tboney8669 - 
Synado -
South Philly D - 1. WTF did I just watch?? What is wrong with your friend? Why was the other guy chewing gum??

2. How the hell can you get called for reaping in X guard?

I guess my answer was not good enough for you. How about a video on the one legged x position.

Your initial wording was confusing. You said you would get called for reaping in X guard when really you meant transitioning from one legged X guard to X guard. There's no way to reap when you are in standard X guard... Hence the confusion. Phone Post

I understand the confusion, but I don't think its a stretch for people to put together what I meant. I also think people should read the thread before posting.
True but people should speak clearly the first go around. Phone Post

The very efficient way to make the other guy stop talking is to crank really hard the submission.


reapers gonna reap

just curious, what tourney was this at? i think i may know the ref (not personally). he is a BB who sometimes trains at the gym i attend.

UGCTT_mojodmonky - just curious, what tourney was this at? i think i may know the ref (not personally). he is a BB who sometimes trains at the gym i attend.

Fight2win tournament in Colorado Springs, CO from the weekend before last.

This was the absolute final btw. The other guy walked away with a gold medal for that. I had no idea there was a matching gi rule but apparently they didn't care about that rule.

nogidavid - under ibjjf rules:

1 instant dq for wearing mismatching colour gi

2 guy who won should be dq'd for talking to the referee

I found the mismatching gi rule but cannot find the no talking to the ref rule. I see rules about not being combative/abusive to the ref but I see none that say DQ for talking to the ref. I am looking at the ibjjf rules now. Can you point me to the second one?

PoWdA101 - I found the mismatching gi rule but cannot find the no talking to the ref rule. I see rules about not being combative/abusive to the ref but I see none that say DQ for talking to the ref. I am looking at the ibjjf rules now. Can you point me to the second one?

Minor Penalties 6.5.10
"When an athlete speaks to the referee during a match"
(P25 of the rule book)

It is a minor penalty, therefore you would need to speak to the referee 4 times before being disqualified.

davecoles - 
PoWdA101 - I found the mismatching gi rule but cannot find the no talking to the ref rule. I see rules about not being combative/abusive to the ref but I see none that say DQ for talking to the ref. I am looking at the ibjjf rules now. Can you point me to the second one?

Minor Penalties 6.5.10
"When an athlete speaks to the referee during a match"
(P25 of the rule book)

It is a minor penalty, therefore you would need to speak to the referee 4 times before being disqualified.

Great. Thank you.

Don't reap the knee and it wouldnt be an issue. I talk to refs all the time to make sure I get my points or argue points. Its part of the game whether you like it or not.

allchokedup - WHat kinda douche feels good about winning on a technicality?

THIS... you are a fucking coward if you do something like this. I knwo school will teach their guys to do this but I would NEVER do it... reap rule is dumb anyway.

The guy looks like a total douche bag. Everything from the hair cut to him chewing gum during a match. I've never seen that before.

Judo Scott - . . . . . I talk to refs all the time to make sure I get my points or argue points. Its part of the game whether you like it or not.

Probably ok at non IBJJF regional events, but the referees are instructed to penalise it at IBJJF events.