Strategy To Beat Tyson In MMA

I doubt if Tyson is training in grappling, please provide a reliable source. I would think the risk of injury would be too great, and potentially cost him too much money, unless he was really planning on fighting MMA. Just my opinion.

Gary Hughes

Some professional athletes train other sports to get a kind of different workout.

Norwegian Assassin....cross training in different sports is excellent, but grappling is pretty risky for Tyson, due to the chance of injury. I don't know if he does or not, but I seriously doubt it.

Gary Hughes

I do not know either, I just would not be too surprised if he does, if you train smart you should not have that great chance of injury. I don't think it is worse to grapple than to get punched in the head all day. LOL

If he just thinks that he might one day try mma doing some grappling once in a while would be smart, and who knows he might think it is fun.

And congratulations on stopping those threads;)

Norwegian Assassin....if you have good defense, you don't have to get punched in the head all day! LOL.

IMO, there is more chance of injury while grappling than when you are stand up fighting, at least there was for me. I went to the Emergency Room my very first BJJ class and I have tendinitis in my left wrist because of BJJ! I know, you have to be really good to get hurt the first day and I was in my mid-forties.

The fued threads that you refer to were a complete waste of time for everyone involved. I am attemtping to take the high ground and not get caught up in one of those again. I will just place the worst trolls on ignore and be done with it, they offer nothing of value anyway. I take offense to people who show no respect to others, and I can get a little carried away sometimes. I'm working on that.

Gary Hughes

The "being punched in the head all day" was a joke, actually the only injury I can remember I got practicing boxing is hurting my shoulder punching the heavybag. I my experience practicing takedowns is the thing that leads to most injuries. Grappling at the ground should be fairly safe if you train with guys who know what they do and do not jerk submission, you are not too stubborn to tap and it is seen as practice not competition. If those three hold true I think the chance of injury is fairly small.

Norwegian Assassin...I know you were joking, so was I. LOL.

My problem wasn't not tapping, but not resting when I was injured. When you are in your forties, you don't heal like you used to. When I was figting in Karate tournaments, I always had some type of injury or more than one. You couldn't stop working out, you worked through the injury. It worked well when I was young, not so well later. The fact that I have worked out my entire life helps, but endurance and healing are what goes when you get older. I can still punch and kick about as fast and hard as ever, but I can't throw as many as I used to. That's why I say the older I get, the dirtier I have to fight.

I'm trying to get back into grappling, but that may not be realistic for me. My left wrist has gotten a little worse lately and is no longer improving. I will see my Prolotherapy Doctor next week to see if we can try some alternative treatments to go along with the Prolotherapy. If my left wrist won't allow me to grapple, I will continue to practice on the mats and work out with my Bubba Dummy. I thought about cutting off my left hand, just above the wrist, but then I would lose my keyboard skills. I've still got a book to write, one of these days.

Gary Hughes

If you have an injury that prevents you to grapple, that might be a problem, I do the same thing, train through injuries, not sure how smart it is. With an injured wrist it probably would be hard, but sometimes, I have only rolled from certain positions, and such, also there are a bunch of drills you probably still could do, but it is hard to motivate yourself for only drills. Good luck healing up.

Thanks. My doctor wants me to test my wrist and that's how I keep getting hurt. If we get the point where my wrist isn't getting any better and I have to just live with it, I'll start rolling without using my left wrist. Besides being good for self defense, I like the conditioning I get when I am rolling regularly.

Gary Hughes

Any grappler that can avoid a couple of KO punches & take Mike down has a great chance of winning. Avoiding those KO punches is the huge risk. If Mike connects with a small mma glove, it's lights out for 90% men in the world.

How about pissing Tyson off so he commits a foul and gets DQ'd. LOL.

therocksays...I agree, Tyson would be very easy to get agitated. Most people would be afraid to go there, I say the madder he is, the better.

Stay out of the kitchen, is you can't stand the heat.

ptm2020...reckless abandon is good, but unless you are quite the puncher, I don't like your odds.

Gary Hughes