Strategy To Beat Tyson In MMA

I would pull a homer simpson. Fall down and scream like a girl that I was a hemopheliac and when he turns away and cringes in disgust I would get up and kick him in the back.

LOL @ Dougie.

That was funny, but you also make a good point. Good fakes and distractions would be a must.

I think I would also tell him I have been dating Robin Givens and she said I was 3 times the man he was and asked him how it felt to be a bitch in prison. I would seriously try to get Mike enraged. Anger is not your friend when you fight, it tends to take you out of any plan of attack, you just want to kill.

Gary Hughes

"On the night before the fight, I would call the Press and the Police, saying there was a big disturbance at Mike's crib."

That would be illegal I think.

And very unsportsmanlike, which is why I would not do something like that.

Luckily I am not in his weight class and he is not fighting mma, but hypothetically, takedowns (of course or those body shots would probably tear you up), if you are lucky and I has not done too much takedown defense then submissions. By the way we can not just assume he has not trained takedown defense or submissions, if he has oh shit.

Whenever someone asks me who I think could beat Tyson in MMA, I say Gary Hughes.

In my opinion the only ones that would stand a decent chance against Tyson standing (with elbows, knees, headbutts allowed) would be those world class in K1, boxing, muay thai, kickboxing and possibly a few other FULL contact standing fight sports. Mike might not be the champ anymore, but there are not a lot of guys that can stand with him.

Norwegian Assassin...I was joking about the press and the police, as I said that was a trick Cassius Clay pulled on Sonny Liston. I think getting Mike mad would be a good strategy though.

The people you mentioned as having a chance, are the ones you know about.

Gary Hughes

Atilda posted: "Whenever someone asks me who I think could beat Tyson in MMA, I say Gary Hughes."

And they say, "Who?" and you say, "No, Hughes". LOL.

I am not a MMA Fighter, just a big MMA fan. I also believe that Tyson would NOT dominate in MMA.

Gary Hughes

"I also believe that Tyson would NOT dominate in MMA."

I do not think he would either, but I think it would take some skill to beat him. As much as he has boxed I am not sure it "mind games" would work.

"The people you mentioned as having a chance, are the ones you know about."

Well I did not really mention anyone specific only the skill level needed, since that is the level he is no.

Oh yeah, and how could I mention someone I do not know about? Then I would known about them.

no K-1 fighter can beat Tyson PPUULLEEZZEEE , on his worst day he would be better than their best day.

I think some of them could.

Norwegian Assassin...Mind games alone would be of little use. If you were tough and showed him no fear, I think that would help. Intimidation is a big weapon that Mike uses well.

We don't know what would happen if someone kicked Tyson. Would he know how to block kicks? I doubt if he does, but who knows. I think a good kicker, who also had some good hands, could take Mike apart, IMHO.

Gary Hughes


You will never see Mike Tyson fight either an MMA match, or a Kickboxing rules match. He will not do it.

From now until the day he retires, he will fight ONLY conventional boxing matches.

Those matches may indeed be promoted by K-1, but they will be conventional boxing matches. He may fight Bob Sapp, Shanon Briggs, Botha or others that have gone the K-1 Kickboxing route, however, the matches will be conventional standard boxing bouts.

Just the way it's going to be.


"We don't know what would happen if someone kicked Tyson."

True, but what worries me most is that I know what happens when one of his shots connect.

I do not like intimidation and mind games, but others can use them as much as they want, I just do not really see it as sportsmanlike to do that. And I also think that is more of a boxing thing than a mma thing. I have really never fully understood it, since the ones that are there to fight, are there because they want to. Don't get me wrong I get nerves just like anybody else, but that is part of the fun, but I do not get more nervous if my opponent tries to scare me, it would just make me respect him less. So I guess I am just not a big fan of that.

Norwegian Assassin...In the same way, I would hope that you would know what would happen when you land one of your shots, or a combination.

I think intimidation and mind games are always part of the equation, it's just how far you want to take them. Arnold Swarzenegger was great at intimidating and playing mind games when he was a bodybuilder. See the movie, Pumping Iron, for examples.

Gary Hughes

Gary, I see your point but, he has KO'ed a lot of good boxers, and he has god some of the most if not the most powerful strikes in the world. And I know I could not stand with Tyson or a boxer of that caliber.

I know a bunch of people do mind games to a certain extent, and I have not really a problem with it, it is just something I never do, in my mind it has nothing to do with fighting, I think fighting should be honorable, but there are so many different ways to view fighting. My way of viewing it is that mind games are dumb and kind of a feminine way solve something, in my point of view it is kind of like spreading rumors, but I am not saying everybody should see it my way.

This might burst a couple of bubbles, but Tyson, from secondhand reports, likes to train a little in grappling as well (started with Kerr). From what I have heard several hands away, he has a good takedown counter. He's also fast and strong as hell.

Your standard BJJ BB, D1 wrestler, what have you is going to have his hands very full with him. Just like with any top ranked combat sport player, you're going to need very high skills and excellent conditioning to beat him.

croaker, that was not a big surprise to me, i never thought just anyone can beat Tyson.

any decent wrestler beats tyson by choke