stripes on your belt ?? (bjj)

"What do you guys think of the instructor adding stripes in bjj. It seems kind of McDojo to me. Like, your not ready for the next belt, but here is a little something to keep you coming to class."

I din't read the whole thread, just commenting on the original idea.

The only place I ever trained that did "stripes" was about as non commercial as you could get. I learned in the Instructor's basement and the cost was nominal, he just wasn't in it for the money. Anyway he gave what he called a tip to the belt if you did really well on your grading, and thats the only time. The tip was the color of the next belt. Except when i got my black belt, then I got a WHITE tip. And this motherfucker was hardcore, no Mcdojo belt awarding. My Black Belt test lasted over 8 hours. No joke. The last hour I had to fight a bunch of guys at black level or higher. I couldn't move for about two days after.

My coach decided to fuck with me and got a Tae Kwon Do tip that said "GREAT EFFORT" in sparkly gold letters and put it on my belt.

...I got funny looks at Pan Ams.

Our school uses the stripe system. Instructor is 7th degree BB under Carlson Gracie Sr. and is very old school. Good enough for him... then good enough for me.


Can a BLUE NAMER PLEASE repost these pics:



TapOutCoach - HOW in the HELL do you Post Pictures on here??? I've tried like 10 different things!!!!

I have a great Pic that helps this topic..please post how!!



 you have to have a bluename, you can post a link to the picture, and a blue will probably imbed it for you.

My instructor adds stripes, and I like it. For me it just reminds me that I am making progress.

I have noticed that some of the upper belts have chosen to NOT accept stripes (or at least not display them on their belts). I'm cool with either way.

mrzipplokk -  Nobody suggested giving un earned belts.

yeah, that's cool. I understand what you meant.

I just think it's a good way to track where people are as well as give a student a reward for their hard work.

Getting some stripes on your belt feels good...Especially in BJJ, when it takes a long time to progress from belt to belt.

 I've never trained in any martial art, therefore under internet rules, I'm probably the most qualified to speak on the subject.


Stripes = good for the sport.


I'm glad I could clear that up for everyone.  The expert has spoken.

I've been a white belt for 1 year 7 months and counting. I couldn’t think of anything worse than having to wear a stripe on my WHITE BELT...Do you know how stupid that would look?So now with a stripe that means I'm a little bit better than a piece of shit? Dude just give me a blue when I deserve it. Stop with all the bull shit!

"So now with a strip that means I'm a little bit better than a piece of shit?"

not with that attitude.

The WHITE BELT has Spoken,

Don't listen to all the black belts, they don't know what their doing, sheesh peeps!

I'm just saying... You know what I mean!

I'm also a 2 dan (Black Belt) in another style and if we had stripes I would feel the same way.

To each his own, I suppose.

If you didn't want to wear the stripes at my school, we'd all be cool with it (as I already posted, several of the upper belts choose to NOT wear them).

To state that it looks stupid to wear them is not right, and insulting to those of us who are proud of them.

I'm not trying to be insulting... sorry if you took it that way.I'm just saying that it would look a little strange to see stripes on a white belt. That’s just like saying you’re a really good white belt but I'm still not giving you your blue. It just seems like a way to keep people going to a gym.

"That’s just like saying you’re a really good white belt but I'm still not giving you your blue."

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with saying "you're still a beginner, but you're making progress"?

"I'm just saying that it would look a little strange to see strips on a white belt."

I take it you have never been to a bjj academy or seen a bjj picture that had a whitebelt in in ever.

There is a world of difference between a 4 stripe white belt who has likely been training for a year or more and a guy in his first class.

"I'm just saying that it would look a little strange "

Your words were something much closer to "do you know how stupid that would look?" and that you "couldn't think of anything worse than wearing a stripe on a white belt".

Coming from someone who went through 4 stipes on white before getting my blue, I'm not sure how I could take that as anything other than insulting, but I will take your word for it.

"What's wrong with that? What's wrong with saying "you're still a beginner, but you're making progress"?"



I had two stripes on my white belt before I got my blue and I was proud of those stripes.

I trained hard and diligently and it was a way of saying, "you are improving, but you are still a beginner"

I got my blue shortly thereafter, but I was still tapping most of the other white belts when I was a white belt because I trained so much.