Stupid fighters in this state.....

back to the original topic...stupid fighters in this state, not rusted old bells and NHB talk.

word to the wise: talking mess about the best MMA gym in the state is not a good career plan when you have 4 months of training and routinely get your ass handed to you at local BUM FIGHTS.

You know who you are, and the next time we roll....I'm gonna tap the shit out you. And trust me, I am the least of your worries...I'm just one of those BJJ fags who only likes to roll. Wait till one of the REAL fighters gets you in the ring bro!!!


Keep rockin the Tapout and UFC beanies...they are awesome.

pink mohawk? LOL

YOU bite me.  you can trash a thread in a heartbeat but no one else is allowed to deviate? 

how did I "trash" this thread? Just getting back on topic yo.

btw, I think it was a blue mohawk. lol.

not this one

 yo?  wtf - are you like 16?  next thing you'll be posting "prolly"  uh yeah.


i grew up in cali where we say yo after everything. KInd of like saying stupid shit like "fixing to" or "y'all" only not as retarded.

you must be having a rough day of cooking or something as you seem particularly lawdy...I mean cranky.

no I just like messing with you ;-)  lm

as for food - we had friends bring us boiled crawfish from Baton Rouge - made this killer Seafood Bisque w/crawfish, shrimp & crab  uummmm

thanks for reminding me I need to get my ass off the computer and get busy making Spring Rolls - have another 100-150 to make.

later, ma

i grew up in cali where we say bro after everything

you were in the bay right bro? I was in waaay Norcal yo.

I watch a lot of entourage, so I say all cool stuff. I also own a tapout shirt which means I can fight. I am going to get a mohawk and start telling everyone I'm a fighter

"I've only been training three months brah"


gets UFC Beanie

talks shit about Spartan

gets ass beat by fighter with no wins

never shows face again at local mma events

realizes it was crazy dumb mistake to talk mess about Spartan to a kid who trains there

actually I was born and raised in so-cal. I only moved to San Jose to train with AKA