superCalo's NTKTDarce Charity T-Shirt Available!

This is just......

AWESOME! Phone Post

This makes me very happy. Im in for one. Phone Post

To be completely honest the amounts mean nothing to me. The fact that people on a forum whom I don't even know are willing to do what you guys do for me. I'm seriously just blown away.

I lurked for a long time before I ever signed up because even though I have been following MMA for as long as I have there are a lot of you who are students of the game and your knowledge wasn't something I wanted to screw with. After all this time the best thing I have learned here is no matter what the debate or no matter how many "hi KKM"'s I have seen when pushed into a corner this place comes together like none I have ever seen.

My wife could tell you how much time I spend on this forum and some days it has really turned my day around and I mean that. Thank you so much for ANYTHING at all you guys do and have done for me and my family. The only thing I can do is fight my ass off. If you visit my pages you can see my progress or how things are going. Hopefully this chemo I'm finishing cleared my lungs so I can get my bone marrow transplant.

This road is going to be long but I'm no quitter and my only fear is leaving my wife and family behind. That fear drives me to push as hard as I can. Thank you guys for giving a shit. It means everything to us. Phone Post




If the shirt is too pricey or you just want to give directly, check out Frank's Youcaring Donation Page

Keep up the good fight, man!

UGCTT_NKTKDace -  To be completely honest the amounts mean nothing to me. The fact that people on a forum whom I don't even know are willing to do what you guys do for me. I'm seriously just blown away.

I lurked for a long time before I ever signed up because even though I have been following MMA for as long as I have there are a lot of you who are students of the game and your knowledge wasn't something I wanted to screw with. After all this time the best thing I have learned here is no matter what the debate or no matter how many "hi KKM"'s I have seen when pushed into a corner this place comes together like none I have ever seen.

My wife could tell you how much time I spend on this forum and some days it has really turned my day around and I mean that. Thank you so much for ANYTHING at all you guys do and have done for me and my family. The only thing I can do is fight my ass off. If you visit my pages you can see my progress or how things are going. Hopefully this chemo I'm finishing cleared my lungs so I can get my bone marrow transplant.

This road is going to be long but I'm no quitter and my only fear is leaving my wife and family behind. That fear drives me to push as hard as I can. Thank you guys for giving a shit. It means everything to us. Phone Post

  Hey bro, since you're part of the UGCTT, PM or email me your address and I'll send you a print of my Uncle Creepy portrait... well as any other prints you may want from my gallery if I have them in stock (which you can check out HERE).

Praying for your healing.


 good cause!

UGCTT_R10T91 - I wasnt planning on buying one because i dont really have the money but seeing where the money will be going makes me want to get one. Im gonna try to get a little money together so i can buy one.
Either way, i wish the best for you dace. Many people care and want to help you man. Hoping to do my part but if i cant i wish the best for you and hope everything goes well.

Bro just your words are worth more than money to me. I appreciate the messages more than anything. Thanks for even thinking about me and posting. Phone Post

UGCTT_R10T91 - I wasnt planning on buying one because i dont really have the money but seeing where the money will be going makes me want to get one. Im gonna try to get a little money together so i can buy one.
Either way, i wish the best for you dace. Many people care and want to help you man. Hoping to do my part but if i cant i wish the best for you and hope everything goes well.

Bro just your words are worth more than money to me. I appreciate the messages more than anything. Thanks for even thinking about me and posting. Phone Post

And something to laugh about? I'm going to try and get some money together to order a shirt myself lol Phone Post

I asked for the file and no one sent it to me.

I could have sold these shirts at $14 per + flat rate USPS shipping.

But I needed the design to get a quote for cost ready.

Black print on a color shirt cost = 2.40 for the shirt, $4 for the print. Plus 100% margin.

DiscipleDojo -
UGCTT_NKTKDace -  To be completely honest the amounts mean nothing to me. The fact that people on a forum whom I don't even know are willing to do what you guys do for me. I'm seriously just blown away.

I lurked for a long time before I ever signed up because even though I have been following MMA for as long as I have there are a lot of you who are students of the game and your knowledge wasn't something I wanted to screw with. After all this time the best thing I have learned here is no matter what the debate or no matter how many "hi KKM"'s I have seen when pushed into a corner this place comes together like none I have ever seen.

My wife could tell you how much time I spend on this forum and some days it has really turned my day around and I mean that. Thank you so much for ANYTHING at all you guys do and have done for me and my family. The only thing I can do is fight my ass off. If you visit my pages you can see my progress or how things are going. Hopefully this chemo I'm finishing cleared my lungs so I can get my bone marrow transplant.

This road is going to be long but I'm no quitter and my only fear is leaving my wife and family behind. That fear drives me to push as hard as I can. Thank you guys for giving a shit. It means everything to us. Phone Post

  Hey bro, since you're part of the UGCTT, PM or email me your address and I'll send you a print of my Uncle Creepy portrait... well as any other prints you may want from my gallery if I have them in stock (which you can check out HERE).

Praying for your healing.


As soon as I get home and on my comp I will PM you for sure.

Awesome man thank you. Phone Post

I'd also have agreed to 50% of the profit to go to a charity if that was decided =P

The Mouth - I'd also have agreed to 50% of the profit to go to a charity if that was decided =P

 Hey man, if you want to take over, no problem on this end. This was just a quick solution since no one else stepped up on the other thread. Talk to 2Jupes and if you get it rolling I'll take the current one down from my Zazzle store.

That's the first time anyone gave a quote or took the initiative to propose a charity structure. The design is what it has always been. Disciple Dojo was the first person to offer to get Shane a shirt without worrying about profit agreements and costs, and he was the only person to propose a charity arrangement at no benefit to himself. Maybe it will make sense to change companies if it would mean more net Dollards for Dace. Phone Post

2JupitersTooMany - 

That's the first time anyone gave a quote or took the initiative to propose a charity structure. The design is what it has always been. Disciple Dojo was the first person to offer to get Shane a shirt without worrying about profit agreements and costs, and he was the only person to propose a charity arrangement at no benefit to himself. Maybe it will make sense to change companies if it would mean more net Dollards for Dace. Phone Post

It;s easy to not worry about costs when you can just upload a design dude. Zazzle clearly has a profit structure in place as it sits.

For a real human to do this, it will take more time and more math.

Pretty standard.

 Still need an address to send Shane a shirt...


You just gave an estimate and you don't have the file. You did not do that before. If there is a significant benefit changing that would result in more money for Dace and nice shirts for the UG, I'm sure that would make sense. Phone Post


so awesome...

2JupitersTooMany - 

You just gave an estimate and you don't have the file. You did not do that before. If there is a significant benefit changing that would result in more money for Dace and nice shirts for the UG, I'm sure that would make sense. Phone Post

LOL cause I just saw it on this thread.

I don't spend NEARLY as much time on here as I used to.

The convenience and variety of Zazzle seems to be working well. It's mixedmartialfarts' design. If you work something out with him that he is comfortable with let me know and i will edit this thread Otherwise the variety and convenience of Zazzle seems to be working well for people right now. Phone Post