superCalo's NTKTDarce Charity T-Shirt Available!

Nameless1 - Pink. Just for the Lulz. Phone Post

^ re: shanes shirt color Phone Post

Nameless1 -
Nameless1 - Pink. Just for the Lulz. Phone Post

^ re: shanes shirt color Phone Post

And I bet he would rock it lol Phone Post

 Pink was my first choice as well because I think he'd do it and it'd be funny. But also a gray or even olive/army type color would be cool too (Carwin Army and all).

Chris Camozzi did a charity portrait with me once and he's a straight-up cool dude. I'm sure he could put a bug in Shane's ear about it via Twitter.

Again, all I need is an address and color choice and I can have it ordered and shipped immediately.

(BTW, it's been awesome seeing when I log in to Zazzle all the different colors and styles people are ordering. When you get yours, everyone needs to post a pic of them wearing it in this thread or a new one...what say you all?)

There are over 51 styles you can choose from, btw. Here are some examples...

Like the verbal paintings of SuperCalo himself, there is truly a spectrum of color representation available...

DiscipleDojo -  Pink was my first choice as well because I think he'd do it and it'd be funny. But also a gray or even olive/army type color would be cool too (Carwin Army and all).

Chris Camozzi did a charity portrait with me once and he's a straight-up cool dude. I'm sure he could put a bug in Shane's ear about it via Twitter.

Again, all I need is an address and color choice and I can have it ordered and shipped immediately.

(BTW, it's been awesome seeing when I log in to Zazzle all the different colors and styles people are ordering. When you get yours, everyone needs to post a pic of them wearing it in this thread or a new one...what say you all?)

There are over 51 styles you can choose from, btw. Here are some examples...

Like the verbal paintings of SuperCalo himself, there is truly a spectrum of color representation available...

I like the idea which gives me one also:

Something like " Where in the world? is superCalo ".

I've seen this done for certain magazines. People who travel, people abroad, people who go to fucked up places and/or do weird stuff ... You take a picture of you holding the magazine (wearing the superCalo shirt) where you are and send it in. (example : niagara falls, a favela, riding a donkey wearing a thong, deer hunting , etc..etc..)
We could have an ongoing thread just for that.

Also with an 18 month old boy and another baby due (unknown gender) in a month, I'll be in for 2 onesies.

BroTha. Phone Post

Is camo an option ?

I've got a wild boar hunt coming up plus deer season is around the corner. I usually wear my Matt hugheS camo tapout shirt but it's starting to fade a little.

Please advise. Phone Post

 Sadly, I don't think Zazzle offers a camo option.  :( 

This is probably as close as you could get...

  • Until Carwin.

    Don't go FUTA1 on us, Shane... Phone Post

Nameless1 - 
Cyril Jeff -
Nameless1 - 
2JupitersTooMany -  None of the offers to print followed through, so this was the best we could do, and it seems to be super convenient.  I wish there was more margin for the charity, but I guess you never get the perfect answer to anything in life.
Aside from the other offer(s) that were shunned you mean .

I'll probably go ahead and get mine printed on 100% cotton for $12, then donate $10 to the charity listed, and take the remaining $5 and buy a 6 pack of beer. Phone Post

nice, or maybe you could skip one 6er and donate that extra $5 as well?

never enough, is it?

How about Cyril Jeff just worries about Cyril Jeff ?

Mmkay ? Phone Post


UnTTTil Carwin

 hey guys contact info@ingrainedmedia (shane and I's manager) he can get you in touch with Shane. Il tweet whatever links you want

 Chris Camozzi hooked me up with an email address for a management group, waiting to hear back.  Props to Chris for perhaps saving the day.

Chris is the man Phone Post

Cyril Jeff -  Chris is the man Phone Post


 moneyyy. gents i am off the map until sunday. keep the torch burning while im gone. caloooooooooooo

mixedmartialfarts -
Cyril Jeff -  Chris is the man Phone Post


The guy is awesome. Period. Phone Post

Just got an email. Almost in business guys. Phone Post

 Shane sent me a DM on Twitter with his manager's email address and said he could tell me where to ship it

I asked Shane if he had a color preference or if he wanted us to surprise him.

We're getting close... 

ps: Chris Camozzi is awesome.


Got the address!

All that's left is to choose a color. I'm waiting to hear if Shane has a preference. If not, I say either gray or pink. But in the end it's 2Jupes or Calo's call.

I also sent him info on Frank's charity donation page and suggested that if he has time, perhaps Shane could send him a note of encouragement or something.

Things like this and the UG Secret Santa really do show that this place is capable of some pretty cool stuff sometimes...  :)

DiscipleDojo - Got the address!

All that's left is to choose a color. I'm waiting to hear if Shane has a preference. If not, I say either gray or pink. But in the end it's 2Jupes or Calo's call.

I also sent him info on Frank's charity donation page and suggested that if he has time, perhaps Shane could send him a note of encouragement or something.

Things like this and the UG Secret Santa really do show that this place is capable of some pretty cool stuff sometimes...  :)

 Nice!  I'm guessing a more neutral color like gray would increase the likelihood of the shirt getting on TV but pink is awesome too.