superCalo's NTKTDarce Charity T-Shirt Available!

Cyril Jeff -
Nameless1 - 
Cyril Jeff -
Nameless1 - 
2JupitersTooMany -  None of the offers to print followed through, so this was the best we could do, and it seems to be super convenient.  I wish there was more margin for the charity, but I guess you never get the perfect answer to anything in life.
Aside from the other offer(s) that were shunned you mean .

I'll probably go ahead and get mine printed on 100% cotton for $12, then donate $10 to the charity listed, and take the remaining $5 and buy a 6 pack of beer. Phone Post

nice, or maybe you could skip one 6er and donate that extra $5 as well?
never enough, is it?
How about Cyril Jeff just worries about Cyril Jeff ?

Mmkay ? Phone Post


Phone Post

This thing turned out pretty great Carwin wearing the shirt is just icing on the cake. Lots of attention was brought to a great cause. Another one of tshirt will be hanging in many UG'ers closets in a few days. And the UG has proven the Internet can be used for good. Hopefully this is just a sign of things to come. Phone Post

Loadin76 -
UGCTT_NKTKDace - Wow just saw this.

Not even sure what to say. For everything the Ug has done for me during this time has left me speechless.

I appreciate it I really do. My state is garbage and helps no one.

Thank you most sincerely.
We got your back Dace...wel everyone except Crowbar....he's a cheapo toolbag

Maybe people would like more of the money to go to the charity, vs getting jobbed $27 for a white shirt with a 1-color print.

Great concept, bad execution. Phone Post

superCalo -
DiscipleDojo -  Shane sent me a DM on Twitter with his manager's email address and said he could tell me where to ship it

I asked Shane if he had a color preference or if he wanted us to surprise him.

We're getting close... 

ps: Chris Camozzi is awesome.

Alot of awesome people hang around this place, just when its possible to lose faith in human,nature with greed, violence, suffering, hatred, people will then go surprise you, at heart most folk are decent. Phone Post

Agreed! Phone Post

UGCTT_Reco Groman - 
Loadin76 -
UGCTT_NKTKDace - Wow just saw this.

Not even sure what to say. For everything the Ug has done for me during this time has left me speechless.

I appreciate it I really do. My state is garbage and helps no one.

Thank you most sincerely.
We got your back Dace...wel everyone except Crowbar....he's a cheapo toolbag

Maybe people would like more of the money to go to the charity, vs getting jobbed $27 for a white shirt with a 1-color print.

Great concept, bad execution. Phone Post

 Musta missed your bad

Reco, you can make direct donations through the link on the front page. Phone Post

UGCTT_Reco Groman -
Loadin76 -
UGCTT_NKTKDace - Wow just saw this.

Not even sure what to say. For everything the Ug has done for me during this time has left me speechless.

I appreciate it I really do. My state is garbage and helps no one.

Thank you most sincerely.
We got your back Dace...wel everyone except Crowbar....he's a cheapo toolbag

Maybe people would like more of the money to go to the charity, vs getting jobbed $27 for a white shirt with a 1-color print.

Great concept, bad execution. Phone Post

Then donate the Fucking money directly to his fundraiser and Fuck the god Damn shirt... Can't believe people are bitching about this... Make more tshirts and do it for cheaper and give more to charity... The point is to help and show some love to a fellow UGCTT member... Can't believe people are actually being negative about this! Phone Post

UGCTT_El Pescadero -
UGCTT_Reco Groman -
Loadin76 -
UGCTT_NKTKDace - Wow just saw this.

Not even sure what to say. For everything the Ug has done for me during this time has left me speechless.

I appreciate it I really do. My state is garbage and helps no one.

Thank you most sincerely.
We got your back Dace...wel everyone except Crowbar....he's a cheapo toolbag

Maybe people would like more of the money to go to the charity, vs getting jobbed $27 for a white shirt with a 1-color print.

Great concept, bad execution. Phone Post

Then donate the Fucking money directly to his fundraiser and Fuck the god Damn shirt... Can't believe people are bitching about this... Make more tshirts and do it for cheaper and give more to charity... The point is to help and show some love to a fellow UGCTT member... Can't believe people are actually being negative about this! Phone Post

People gotta find something negative about everything.

Shit, you could donate $1 million and people would bitch cuz you could have donated 2...
They just need an excuse to not help a good cause Phone Post

2JupitersTooMany - Reco, you can make direct donations through the link on the front page. Phone Post

Will do.

My apologies for my previous post.

I was referring to the post before mine, and might not have worded that correctly. Phone Post

^^^ good man... UGCTT 4 life! Phone Post

Loadin76 -
UGCTT_Reco Groman - 
Loadin76 -
UGCTT_NKTKDace - Wow just saw this.

Not even sure what to say. For everything the Ug has done for me during this time has left me speechless.

I appreciate it I really do. My state is garbage and helps no one.

Thank you most sincerely.
We got your back Dace...wel everyone except Crowbar....he's a cheapo toolbag
Maybe people would like more of the money to go to the charity, vs getting jobbed $27 for a white shirt with a 1-color print.

Great concept, bad execution. Phone Post

 Musta missed your bad

A perfect retort if ever I've seen one!

VTFU later! Phone Post

 For the record, it's only $20.70 for a basic white T.  And the same percentage royalty goes to UGCTT_NKTKDace if people go that route.

There are cheaper ways to make shirts...but few are more convenient or quick in terms of turnaround and no minimum orders. That's why I use Zazzle.

Ordering a gray XXXL and shipping it to Shane in the morning, btw!

Fist bump Phone Post

2JupitersTooMany -  Fist bump Phone Post


internet legend.

TTT Phone Post

Just ordered Shane's shirt...

It should get to him within about a week.

Also, to clarify, the $27 price is for the shirt in SHANE'S SIZE. Regular sizes in this style are about $22.

SonOfThePeepHole - Calo may be the king of the UG Phone Post

He is a king among many like disciple and 2jupes as well as Mr. 303 , Chris Camozzi and el pescedero.

Basically every single one of you that would help someone out that you don't even know. Phone Post

SonOfThePeepHole - Calo may be the king of the UG Phone Post
He is a king among many like disciple and 2jupes as well as Mr. 303 , Chris Camozzi and el pescedero.

Basically every single one of you that would help someone out that you don't even know. Phone Post

 Yo man, I still need to get you your Creepy print. PM me your address and if you have any other favorite fighters in my gallery lemme know which ones you want prints of.

Blessings from the Dojo,


I do stickers as well, vinyl decals. Offered to do some for UG and OG for free for window stickers but never got word if I was allowed. Im not saying I can do all kinds of stickers but basic layouts and multi layered colors I'm able to. Don't mind helping if needed for charity. Phone Post