T Nation: Master the Power Cean


Good article, but it's funny the caption to the pic that refers to "Olympic lifts like power cleans".

Think about that statement.

lol @ power cean..  CLEAN

nice article. I like the videos - good for drilling where your having problems.


gotta be one of my favourite lifts. good article

Some Superheavyweights catch the bar well above parallel, so technically the powerclean can be referred to as an Olympic lift.

Leigh - Above parallel to what? Surely to be an olympic lift they would have to be catching it with arms locked? Basically performing a full snatch


Leigh - Above parallel to what? Surely to be an olympic lift they would have to be catching it with arms locked? Basically performing a full snatch

Uhhhhh...they catch the bar with their thighs above parallel to the floor, which is what a Powerclean is by definition.

Uhhhhh...both Chermerkin and Rezazadeh catch the bar above parallel.

"Power clean" is more restrictive than "clean".  There's no reason an olympic lifter couldn't use a power clean in competition.

LOL...catching the bar above parallel is a Powerclean.

A LOT of SHWs can powerclean their first attempt in competition.

I Powerclean 135kg and have Cleaned 160kg.

How about you?

I now PC 135kg also :PCatching and not breaking parallel is different.Koing

The dude needs to bend his knees a bit more for complex 2 man...


^^^^ and the Clean and Press, Id say until about the 70's I think is when they removed it. But still was an Olympic lift for quite some time.

You can Powerlean the bar as the first movement of the Clean and Jerk if you so wish, which is my point.

fuk guys you're getting me all confused.
to quote a redneck aussie politician - 'please explain'?

the RonnieB-Squatdog exchange should be archived, IMO

I just re-read it and noticed how the Law of Excessive Mass came into play ie: 'I'm bigger than you, so I'm right!'


Just how important is it for the elbows to be parallel to the floor in the standing rack position? Seems like my wrist flexibility is low as it is very hard for me to get elbows parallel.

Ideologic - Question:

Just how important is it for the elbows to be parallel to the floor in the standing rack position? Seems like my wrist flexibility is low as it is very hard for me to get elbows parallel.

High enough that you could eat your dinner off them.

Seriously, it's not vitally important but it helps to keeps your chest up and elbows through.