Takedowns should not score points

Pride rules are good.

NOT defending takedowns shows laziness to defend or a weakness to defend. Anybody can fall to their back. Spectate at BJJ tourneys. You'll see all of the guard jumping and lack of takedown defense your heart desires. This is MMA. Takedowns count. Get over it!

"Something to think about: If a successful takedown should score points for octagon control (taking the fight where you want it), then shouldnt a defended takedown count as much (Keeping a fight where you want it)? Or what about escaping from the bottom back to your feet?"

I would definitely agree with this, but it's kind of irrelevant to this fight, because Hoger never defended a takedown or got back up without the ref's help.

"The funny thing is im betting that many of you against TDs counted for points probably think sweeps from the guard should."

Anyone on this?

Takedowns should definitely score points - end of discussion. I don't think this is even debatable.

How heavily they should be weighed is more the question.

Sub attempts should count towards agression/fight control, imo.

When you are going for a submission or have a near submission, you are on the offensive and your opponent can not score any points b/c he's being purely defensive.

If you don't get the sub, you have still dominated that portion of the fight.