tapout mouthguards

icedog11 -

Is the bottom of this mouthguard uneven?  Thicker on the sides than it is at the front to create a space to breathe through even when the jaw is clenched?

Like this:

Because that's what I want, and I'll have to get me one of those when I get some monies.


 and if it isn't can you make ones like that?  I can't breathe very well through my nose.

That sounds like a little bit of scumbaggery to me.



 ive been thinking about getting a custom mouthguard either from Gladiator or Fight Dentist. What is the difference between Gladiator and Fight Dentist if any?


Been using my Gladiator for 2 months. Love it.

Could I do a kick boxing match with your 2 layer Guard instead of 3 layer pro version?

FondledbyRainbowPants - 
icedog11 -

Is the bottom of this mouthguard uneven?  Thicker on the sides than it is at the front to create a space to breathe through even when the jaw is clenched?

Like this:

Because that's what I want, and I'll have to get me one of those when I get some monies.


yes thank you this is our combat model it acts like a double without actually being a double. locks the lower jaw in 

 Could I do a kick boxing match with your 2 layer Guard instead of 3 layer pro version? What is the main difference they seem to be almost the same?

themexicutioner - 



 ive been thinking about getting a custom mouthguard either from Gladiator or Fight Dentist. What is the difference between Gladiator and Fight Dentist if any?

LOL about $100 dollars and a Dr. in the name

email me I take care of my ug brethren johnh@customguards.com

ThEUniT -  Could I do a kick boxing match with your 2 layer Guard instead of 3 layer pro version?

 I'm learning two is enough, I know now that i trane

icedog11 - ThEUniT -   I'm learning two is enough, I know now that i trane,

Whats the main advance of the three? Will it allow me to take more shots or have a more solid chin?

icedog11 - 
FondledbyRainbowPants - 
icedog11 -

Is the bottom of this mouthguard uneven?  Thicker on the sides than it is at the front to create a space to breathe through even when the jaw is clenched?

Like this:

Because that's what I want, and I'll have to get me one of those when I get some monies.


yes thank you this is our combat model it acts like a double without actually being a double. locks the lower jaw in 



 the ug swept up HR in its anti Nazi fervor now  I ask  that you grab my cause in a bullshit  marketing campaign by a respected company TAPOUT


Yeah that sounds like some BS to me. Theyre using your product to amp up their less quality product and making money off the whole situation. Do you have a contract with them?

TTT for Icedog...good people( for a dirty Eagles fan)

ThEUniT - icedog11 - ThEUniT -   I'm learning two is enough, I know now that i trane,

Whats the main advance of the three? Will it allow me to take more shots or have a more solid chin?

 you need a huge mouth and no chin.the market demanded this product not science


tjmitch - TTT for Icedog...good people( for a dirty Eagles fan)

 thank you ( for and ugly hair giants fan)

I guess I need to upgrade to the combat model. That looks snug.

LoganClark - I guess I need to upgrade to the combat model. That looks snug.

Hahahahah. Any word on getting a rematch with Jason?