tapout mouthguards



i was actually on the site last night and im on it again right now but cant seem to find the combat version. all i see are the junior, pro, and elite.....

is it a special order? if so how much? i need a mouth piece soon and i want the best there is. Let me know how to get one

icedog11 - 
themexicutioner - 



 ive been thinking about getting a custom mouthguard either from Gladiator or Fight Dentist. What is the difference between Gladiator and Fight Dentist if any?

LOL about $100 dollars and a Dr. in the name

email me I take care of my ug brethren johnh@customguards.com

email sent

I love Gladiator! Started using them in IFL days and still do to this day!

Icedog11 is the man!

you ship them to Canada???


 TTT for Gladiator.



Where is the combat model on your website? I couldn't find it anywhere.

KickinAus - Icedog,

Where is the combat model on your website? I couldn't find it anywhere.

We no longer put all our designs up on the web when we do it is usually knocked off in a matter of days you will need to call to order it 1-877-848-2737

icedog11 - 
ThEUniT - icedog11 - ThEUniT -   I'm learning two is enough, I know now that i trane,

Whats the main advance of the three? Will it allow me to take more shots or have a more solid chin?

 you need a huge mouth and no chin.the market demanded this product not science

TTT for a boss saying a cheaper model is enough.

ThEUniT - 
LoganClark - I guess I need to upgrade to the combat model. That looks snug.

Hahahahah. Any word on getting a rematch with Jason?

I was only fighting up in weight after getting H1N1 and not being able to cut to MW. I think I'll stay away from HWT fights for a while.

 ttt for Gladiator. I'll be getting one early next year after I finally quit my night job and can start doing BJJ every week.

Speaking of which, what model do you recommend for someone who will be doing grappling only?

The James -  ttt for Gladiator. I'll be getting one early next year after I finally quit my night job and can start doing BJJ every week.

Speaking of which, what model do you recommend for someone who will be doing grappling only?

 we generally recomend a Pro extreem which is also not on our site but you can just order the pro and under sport put pajama grabbling and a customer service rep will call and explain the extreem option. They will also ask what the hell pajama grabbling

Wait. Do we dislike TapouT agains?!?

Unless you've signed an agreement stating that Tapout can represent your product as their own, you can just have a lawyer send them a letter asking them to stop.

It seems to me Tapout is taking advantage of Gladiator here.

I originally had an OPRO mouthguard, but after about 3 years I needed a new one. I decided to try another brand. I ordered a gladiator mouthguard, but was not totally satisfied as it did not fit correctly. I went back to OPRO. Maybe i just had a bad experience, but that is messed up of tapout. ttt for the gladiator guys getting some justice

 I need a great quality mouth guard.  I know where I'm going when I'm ready to get it.  Gladiator indeed.

 MY first GG was destroyed in an industrial washer, I just ordered two identical ones.  These things are the best investment a combative athlete can make.  you will get way more utility out of the extra money than ypu would spending them on a nicer pair of gloves or a high end gi IMO. 

I currently have a Gladiator Elite, what is the difference between that and the Combat model?