tapout mouthguards

Everyone should check out BAMF Mouthguards. They are excellent mouthguards and also done by a dentist. For anyone in South Florida or NYC, you can actually visit a dental office and have your impression done by a real dentist rather than doing it yourself. They also have great designs. They recently did Mike Brown's mouthguard for his title defense against Jose Aldo. Check them out at www.bamfmouthguards.com

bharris - Everyone should check out BAMF Mouthguards. They are excellent mouthguards and also done by a dentist. For anyone in South Florida or NYC, you can actually visit a dental office and have your impression done by a real dentist rather than doing it yourself. They also have great designs. They recently did Mike Brown's mouthguard for his title defense against Jose Aldo. Check them out at www.bamfmouthguards.com

 ill check em out, and yea a buddy of mine got his at the dentist, it was like 100 bucks and it looked good. ill have to talk to my dentist, see if he does them. i was waiting to have my molars taken out before i got a custom made. now that all 4 are out im good to go

 wow!!!! bamf mouthguards are like 180 bucks plus 40 if you want to customize them. no thankyou!

PembrokePinesVillain -  wow!!!! bamf mouthguards are like 180 bucks plus 40 if you want to customize them. no thankyou!

Fuck that...They look decent but better come with at least 10 crack rocks for that price!!

RaginRedneck169 - 
DreamerMMA - 
RenatoCocopreta - 
TSGIGOR - Awesome!

Igor, if you dont mind telling us, what kind of mouth guard does Fedor use?

 He just bites a chunk out of a bumper and uses that.

His teeth are made of titanium, no need for a mouth guard.

 : )


 The finished product of those BAMF guards look really cool.  However, based on looking at the website and my totally non professional opinion, they appear to be pretty much the same thing as the Gladiator Elite only twice the price.  I already had a dentist make my mold, and Gladiator was happy to use it and even gave me a discount since I already had it.  Even so, I would be perfectly comfortable making my own mold if need be.  It's mold goo, a tray, and my teeth.  As long as I follow the instructions and  do it correctly it should come out the same.  Plus I think they give you enough goo for 2 complete molds.

I know they're expenisve, but I believe that price includes an actual dentist visit as opposed to getting a kit and doing the impression yourself. I've heard BAMF is in the process of producing self-impression kits so I can only assume the price will be different if someone is taking the impression on their own. A little competition in the market will be good and the sport will only continue to grow as a result of it.

 You better read more, Warrior Bahn.  There  is talk of at least 3 different guards on this thread.

I hear you bharris.  Nothing wrong with good compeition.  I would imagine the price would drop with self impression kits.  I'll probably be partial to Gladiator, but those BAMF gaurds do look good.
