TapouT sold? end of an era

TracyLee in with the hard questions...this could get good ;) Phone Post

tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

Wow, the pot calling the kettle...

4pdboxing - 
tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

Wow, the pot calling the kettle...

I don't EVER break stories, and I can guarantee you that I know more of the details of what's going on than the person who wrote the story. I often know what fighters are hurt, as well as what bouts are matched up LONG before most do. But I keep my mouth shut because I don't feel the need to be the first to break something and it's not my place to.

Such as me being the one on the phone with Punkass the day Mask died. I refused to confirm his death until PA told me to.

 Tracy is asking perfectly reasonable questions.  This is a huge rumor to just throw against the wall...and it's from a "reporter" whose claim to fame is acting like a fool and letting fighters emasculate him.


the company i work for has been bought and sold many times and nothing has changed. private equity investors dont normally have a hand in day to day doings of a company since they are in it to just turn a profit and the best way to do that is to have the people who ran the show continue to do their jobs. you think warren buffet knows how to run all the companies he owns? ofcoarse not.

 Tracy Lee vs Tru

Dana make it happen

Tracy Lee - keep quiet about knowing of the fighters' injuries...before Feds from Vegas come talk to me about insider betting.

As for the story, whether they sell or not who cares. Good for them for what they have done with their combine legacy. The TS breaking this prematurely is nothing to get upset about. Once a majority of a business is sold, major changes happen. That constitutes the end of an era.

RIP Mask
May You Be Serving Jesus In Heaven

 The only thing that sucks about Tapout is that you used to see someone sporting the gear (2003) and they usually trained somewhere and you could strike up a good conversation. Now it is filled with douchebaggery as some of you have previously noted.

tracylee - 
4pdboxing - 
tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

Wow, the pot calling the kettle...

I don't EVER break stories, and I can guarantee you that I know more of the details of what's going on than the person who wrote the story. I often know what fighters are hurt, as well as what bouts are matched up LONG before most do. But I keep my mouth shut because I don't feel the need to be the first to break something and it's not my place to.

Such as me being the one on the phone with Punkass the day Mask died. I refused to confirm his death until PA told me to.

You're confusing keeping your mouth shut with having a dick in it

Mr Pulla - Tracy Lee - keep quiet about knowing of the fighters' injuries...before Feds from Vegas come talk to me about insider betting.

As for the story, whether they sell or not who cares. Good for them for what they have done with their combine legacy. The TS breaking this prematurely is nothing to get upset about. Once a majority of a business is sold, major changes happen. That constitutes the end of an era.

lol, ok, lip is zipped...

I'm heading to the movies... breaking a story is cool if you have the facts. breaking a story based on rumors though? there's so many different facets to what's going on. that's why i'm annoyed.

but whatever; i guess to each his or her own.. have a good night all!

tracylee - 
4pdboxing - 
tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

Wow, the pot calling the kettle...

I don't EVER break stories, and I can guarantee you that I know more of the details of what's going on than the person who wrote the story. I often know what fighters are hurt, as well as what bouts are matched up LONG before most do. But I keep my mouth shut because I don't feel the need to be the first to break something and it's not my place to.

Such as me being the one on the phone with Punkass the day Mask died. I refused to confirm his death until PA told me to.

You're confusing keeping your mouth shut with having a dick in it

wtf dude? c'mon now...

tracy lee is good people. why the hate?

Tracy, I PM'ed you.

Berkshire Hathaway doesn't typically buy a business and change the leadership. their model is usually set up so that they financially support a company and leave the leaders in place, and let them run the business as they see fit without any interference from Buffett or Munger.

Tapout doesn't seem like it fits in the Berkshire family of businesses, but who knows.

tracylee - 
Mr Pulla - Tracy Lee - keep quiet about knowing of the fighters' injuries...before Feds from Vegas come talk to me about insider betting.

As for the story, whether they sell or not who cares. Good for them for what they have done with their combine legacy. The TS breaking this prematurely is nothing to get upset about. Once a majority of a business is sold, major changes happen. That constitutes the end of an era.

lol, ok, lip is zipped...

I'm heading to the movies... breaking a story is cool if you have the facts. breaking a story based on rumors though? there's so many different facets to what's going on. that's why i'm annoyed.

but whatever; i guess to each his or her own.. have a good night all!

Avoid anything that has to do with M Night Shamalot. As someone in the acting industry, I can tell you he's hit rock bottom. God bless have a good night.

To the posters hating on Tracy, it's not her fault your mamas breast fed you until 14. Go see a shrink.

double post

Melendes - The girl who made her name posting pictures of her big ugly fake tits is going off on someone for the way he goes about promoting his website? LOL

I have to disagree on the ugly part. Using her own assets to promote a website is a lot different than breaking a story with rumor more than facts. That's mediocre journalism. Try to keep up.

Hopefully we will see a line of Tapout golf shirts with an alligator skull tastefully embroidered on the chest.

WhyYouTrippinHater -  Tracy Lee vs Tru

Dana make it happen

 i'm pretty sure im frineds with tracy.  she is upset with the person that wrote the article; not me.

tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

In all fairness the title of the article does have a question mark at the end, so any rational person would realize it's not "fact" just yet. Most MMA related stories are a lot of speculation and opinion anyway and this story is no different. Now you probably know more than the rest of us but you jumping on the thread like this makes me feel like you're on damage control before the story actually does become official.

Other than that, anyone that wants Tapout to go away is a complete moran. I don't own any Tapout gear but what these guys have done for MMA is nothing short of admirable. So either way... Respect.