TapouT sold? end of an era

 bullshit, no way.......

Mmmmmmm, buffet. 

midwestbred - 
tracylee - why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

In all fairness the title of the article does have a question mark at the end, so any rational person would realize it's not "fact" just yet. Most MMA related stories are a lot of speculation and opinion anyway and this story is no different. Now you probably know more than the rest of us but you jumping on the thread like this makes me feel like you're on damage control before the story actually does become official.

Other than that, anyone that wants Tapout to go away is a complete moran. I don't own any Tapout gear but what these guys have done for MMA is nothing short of admirable. So either way... Respect.


Seems like the trend is for everything to be gobbled up by a few companies, Google, Disney, Viacom, Walmart etc.

Talk about 1 World Govt.

I know nothing about the deal but if something did happen with Tapout my guess would be a private equity firm or a jv. In 90% of these cases the top people stay with the company..

 it would be smart to sell, MMA clothing is a fad that will probably be on the downside fairly soon.  They would be smart to sell at a high.

Not sure why all the hate for TapouT. These guys have been around since the beginning of mma back in the day. They also sponsor fighters. Not just big name guys but local guys that fight on small shows as well. Fight fans support tapout, tapout support fighters, fighters fight for the fans. It's all a continuous circle. I know there is always going to be the douche element involved in wearing their clothing but as long as TapouT supports the fighters and the sport, I will stand behind them. Phone Post

tracylee - the more I think about it, the more this desire to be the first to break a story without having all the facts annoys me.

End of an era? You think someone bought tapout to get rid of it? You think Skrape and PA won't still be the face? I highly doubt that..
Well if you dont like it, you should always feel free to get off the forums and go take those ultra important pics of Uriah Faber eating sushi.

Seriously, Aaron posts some great stuff. If you dont like it, dont let the door hit your ass on the way out of this thread!!!!!


*tracylee, Combatlifestyle.com Picture Taker
9 hours ago
why break a story if you don't have the correct/full story?

This Phone Post

 RIP Joker

I can't wait for the mouth-breathers on the radio show to start talking derivatives

Congrats to Skrape and Punkass! CHA CHING!!! These guys were doing it when all three of them made less money a year than I did with my one job. They had the wisdom to stick with their vision and it paid off big time. Noone gets to talk shit about these guys. Not one of you didlos has earned the right. So you don't like their clothes, gimmick or message. Your fuckin problem

there is literally no chance that warren buffet buys tapout....

buffett only invests in companies that he sees as durable for the long haul...

 Not sure what all of the fuss is about.  Look at every major news, radio, tv outlet.  Rumors are posted constantly... most of the time without confirmed sources.  This is a forum... the meca of rumors. 

I would be surprised if true, but Buffet is a smart man.  What is the next best thing to owning the UFC?  Owning the largest and most recognized company associated with the UFC.  All this being said... in 2 weeks expect to hear "TapOut has been banned by the UFC" lol. 

Warren has a great eye for investments....

I am sure that the TapOut crew will continue to run the day to day business operations

This will be a great thing for the brand

Going going gone!SEE YA!!!!!!

lol, and people ask me why I barely post here anymore.

My having a problem with someone creating a TMZ type story instead of a legit one turns into something about me, my boobs, me being a groupie, or that I fuck fighters.

lol, fun times... It was nice meeting a ton of really cool fans in Boston vs the dicks that post here...

 now i'll never get my free hoody!

Indeed the end of an era. Whatever you think of Tapout now, they have supported the sport from the beginning. I still have one of the original, cheesy "you should've tapped" t-shirts somewhere from my skinnier days.

Glad to see those guys succeed at doing what they love. We should all be so fortunate. I wish them the best. Enjoy your success guys, you've earned it.

Tracy is absolutely right. Warren Buffet wanting to be part of Tapout is huge for them. It seems to me that Tapout is just scratching the surface on what they can accomplish and they are aligning themselves with people who can take them further.