TapouT sold? end of an era

robnashville - I would have figured that Tapout would have done an IPO as opposed to selling ....seemed a lot of the tactics i heard they were using to get into certain distribution channels would have lent itself to a IPO down the line....

good thinking. seems like it'd be time for that. they are huge now.

mr nemo - As much as Tapout has sponsored and supported the sport since day one, every org and countless fighters the hate on here is baffling. You don't have to love their apparel to appreciate what they've done for mma.

 Couldn't have said it better myself.

I found it funny how people say Tapout is for posers. I know that is what the majority of the people say when it comes to wearing Tapout. I don't wear any of the shirts but I do own four pairs of their shorts that I use when my jiu jitsu class has no gi day and in my MMA class.

Here's a few of the reasons I like Tapout besides what they have done for the growth of MMA and supporting fighters.

1. You can purchase a plain pair of fight shorts instead of having stupid skulls or some stupid designs on their shorts.

2. They don't cost a fortune. My Bad Boy shorts were $62 when my Tapout shorts were only $29 off the website on sale from $44. They usually pay for shipping at over $50 and they often throw in a gift of some kind with your purchase.

3. They have been better quality and lasted longer than some other brands.

4. Besides how can anyone not love their "American Arrogance" slogan?

BTW Correct me if I am wrong.... but doesn't Walmart sell some great brands like Apple and Sony and a bunch of other brands we all have in our homes????

Slamming. MMA "lower-mid class society"???? You are way off base, go check the demographics and then fix your post. WAY off. But I do see why you would think that by observing those wearing Affliction and Tapout t-shirts. But no, your statement doesn't fit the proven demographic. Nor does it fit the audience that Dana and the F bros are after.


tbizzle - 

BUT in defense of the guy above, UFC did threaten to ban TapouT when they produced a Fedor walkout t-shirt before his Werdum fight.  They even had it on their website briefly until the baldfather heard about it.  They decided it was in their "best interest" to not follow through with their plans to sponsor him.

I was even banned from this site briefly for making a FUCK YOU DANA WHITE thread calling him out on his petty bullshit when I heard about it. 

Let's be clear here.  According to Skrape, it never got to the point of threatening to ban TapouT.  Dana went to TapouT and asked them not to sponsor Fedor and based on their relationship with the UFC, TapouT didn't go ahead with sponsoring him.  It didn't come across like the UFC strong armed them at all.

Source is my show from a couple of weeks ago.


frontrowbrian - 
MMA Scraps Radio - 
tbizzle - 

BUT in defense of the guy above, UFC did threaten to ban TapouT when they produced a Fedor walkout t-shirt before his Werdum fight.  They even had it on their website briefly until the baldfather heard about it.  They decided it was in their "best interest" to not follow through with their plans to sponsor him.

I was even banned from this site briefly for making a FUCK YOU DANA WHITE thread calling him out on his petty bullshit when I heard about it. 

Let's be clear here.  According to Skrape, it never got to the point of threatening to ban TapouT.  Dana went to TapouT and asked them not to sponsor Fedor and based on their relationship with the UFC, TapouT didn't go ahead with sponsoring him.  It didn't come across like the UFC strong armed them at all.

Source is my show from a couple of weeks ago.

You really think Skrape would actually admit UFC attempted to strong arm them? 

Of course UFC strong armed them. That's their calling card. 

 I think if there was any strong arming going on, he would have at least hesitated when he answered the question.  It was like a non-issue.  I believe him.

In my experience talking to people in MMA, I've noticed that a lot of the things that most of the MMA forum readers believe are true simply aren't.  But there isn't a lot of interest most of the time from the other side to correct them unless it's very damaging.  


Furthermore, Dana wouldn't have to strong arm TapouT.  It's not like TapouT sponsors a ton of fighters outside of the UFC anyway.  I'm sure the sales of the Fedor shirt would have been nothing in comparison to Dana making a simple phone call and asking for a favor.  No conspiracy theory needed.

MMA Scraps Radio - 
tbizzle - 

BUT in defense of the guy above, UFC did threaten to ban TapouT when they produced a Fedor walkout t-shirt before his Werdum fight.  They even had it on their website briefly until the baldfather heard about it.  They decided it was in their "best interest" to not follow through with their plans to sponsor him.

I was even banned from this site briefly for making a FUCK YOU DANA WHITE thread calling him out on his petty bullshit when I heard about it. 
Let's be clear here.  According to Skrape, it never got to the point of threatening to ban TapouT.  Dana went to TapouT and asked them not to sponsor Fedor and based on their relationship with the UFC, TapouT didn't go ahead with sponsoring him.  It didn't come across like the UFC strong armed them at all.

Source is my show from a couple of weeks ago.

rofl. yeah because we all know how kind and gentle the UFC is, and how they 'ask' things, not 'demand' them.

it's MUCH harder to believe the UFC would do anything, at any time with anyone in a 'kind' way

I wear a TapOut shirt to cover my loaded handgun that I carry everywhere.I've never had anyone call me out or challenge me because of the shirt.

Take the money and run.

Good for them

from mma scraps twitter:


Apparently TapouT will be releasing a press release tomorrow. This should probably answer questions about the rumored buy out....

i don't know that they will sell or not sell to the Authentic Brands group.... probably not... but i do think there was some interest there from ABG... oh well... guess the release will tell the tale....

I have a weird combination of interests and investing in stocks/equities and mma happens to be two of them. If there was a company out there right now that was heavily invested in the rise of MMA, and specifically the UFC, and that company went to an IPO I would definitely buy some. I admit that Buffett buying the company sounds a little far fetched (much more likely Berkshire-Hathway his overall company would buy it, meaning it could be any of his lead boys running the show) but it actually makes sense if you know his investing philosophy. He looks for companies that specifically have a long-term built-in advantage in their respective fields. For example Coke and Wal-Mart are two of his largest holdings. I think Tapout fits this description perfectly. Their brand (while somewhat douchy) is synonymous with MMA and they have so many expansion options at the moment. Plus, the UFC (or the guys in charge of worldwide MMA mass marketing) uses you almost exclusively for a lot of things. Plus, you have to respect their position of re-investing profits into fighters, even in the early days when they weren't making much. I think the UFC and/or Tapout would be great growth acquisitions right now (also fairly recession proof as boxing has proven during recessions).

humphrey sphinctermuscle - 
MMA Scraps Radio - 
tbizzle - 

BUT in defense of the guy above, UFC did threaten to ban TapouT when they produced a Fedor walkout t-shirt before his Werdum fight.  They even had it on their website briefly until the baldfather heard about it.  They decided it was in their "best interest" to not follow through with their plans to sponsor him.

I was even banned from this site briefly for making a FUCK YOU DANA WHITE thread calling him out on his petty bullshit when I heard about it. 
Let's be clear here.  According to Skrape, it never got to the point of threatening to ban TapouT.  Dana went to TapouT and asked them not to sponsor Fedor and based on their relationship with the UFC, TapouT didn't go ahead with sponsoring him.  It didn't come across like the UFC strong armed them at all.

Source is my show from a couple of weeks ago.

rofl. yeah because we all know how kind and gentle the UFC is, and how they 'ask' things, not 'demand' them.

it's MUCH harder to believe the UFC would do anything, at any time with anyone in a 'kind' way

The UFC has been partners with Tapout since there 1st meeting on September 11th 2001.

The relationship between them means far to much for them to simply threaten to drop them if they did Fedors shirt. Dana put in a call as he was dissapointed with them doing the shirt, and Tapout not realising he would be stopped the shirt.

And as for doing something kind was putting Mask in the HOF not kind? I'm certainly not saying Tapout owe the UFC anything from this but try and look at things clearly.


i wouldn't think they are issuing press releases and doing radio interviews to announce they aren't selling or that this thread was all just a bunch of bullshit..... so....

i'm hearing they bought a majority interest.... sounds like kreiner and the other two will still retain a portion and maybe manage it but also cash out big time....

"It's like Led Zepplin after the drummer died Robert Plant said that's it he cant be replaced."

Yeah, because a different drummer would've made it impossible to steal other peoples' music and pass it off as their own.

Crooklyn - Punkass and Skrape are doing an exclusive interview with us tomorrow night at 6pm.  Hope you guys have a chance to check it out.

 I figured you might, was just waiting to see your announcement. :)  I think I can be there live, I'm interested. 

 Tapout crew should have gone on Shark Tank instead and sold the company to Kevin O'Leary. We need that guy in the MMA business!

I wish I could have listened damn it. Summary?