TBA Level 2 Test

wait, wait

was that knee, knee, knee, elbow elbow kiai


was it elbow elbow elbow knee kne kiai?

Now I'm confused :-)

twinkletoesCT - 

I did find that, too. Wellington claims it's how Phil Nurse ranked him, but I cannot find ANYTHING on any of Phil Nurse's sites about it. Can anyone shed additional light on the matter?

You know, I do have a set curriculum and the concept of "rank" (not that I am a Muay Thai guy mind you and NO we don't wear karate belts) but if one of my students devolved what I was doing into THAT and then said it was derived from me, I'd probably be in a car with a baseball bat driving to their house :-)

I was so upset I typed it three times apparently?

yeah ;)



 ^^ One of my fighters after a year of training with me.. no black armbands, no belts ;)
