THE CALF KICK: where did it come from?

While im not a Thai or KB expert, I don’t think ive seen those in them. Were they an MMA invention? Benson is often cited as one of the first guys to do it? If they aren’t done in KB, why? Why do they only kick to the thigh and not the calf?

It was used in Muay Thai a long while ago but it was relatively easy to block so it's not used as much.

JIng Gerk asnd Wing Gerk in Wingchun can be applied ot calf and shin. More like the Knee kick that JBJ does but face on. from this there is a hooking trip that wraps around the calf. In any case the kick is in most martial arts. 

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AnotherTMAguy -

It was used in Muay Thai a long while ago but it was relatively easy to block so it's not used as much.

Relatively easy to block? It seems really effective for those that do it, and it’s a well known weapon that opponents seem to have trouble preparing for. So what’s the difference in MMA?

Not trying to say you’re wrong or anything, I’m no striking expert either. Genuinely curious 


Came from Dan The Wolfman.

Mkk11 -
AnotherTMAguy -

It was used in Muay Thai a long while ago but it was relatively easy to block so it's not used as much.

Relatively easy to block? It seems really effective for those that do it, and it’s a well known weapon that opponents seem to have trouble preparing for. So what’s the difference in MMA?

Not trying to say you’re wrong or anything, I’m no striking expert either. Genuinely curious 

It really is easy to block in a Muay Thai fight but in a mma fight where I assume you are in a more of a side stance to go for takedowns and not used to legkicks, it may not be as easy.


I started MT in the mid 90s and learned calf kicks the first week... 



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The distance in mma is much farther than muaythai and as stated before ,fighters are more squared up in Muaythai ,which make calf kicks harder to land 

In mma (unlike other combat sports ) kicks can be easily grabbed ,inorder to take you to the ground and win close rounds. 


calf kicks have not only become popular (In mma ) because of its damage & effectiveness but also because they are harder to grabb inorder to convert to takedowns 

midrange kicks to the body ,high kicks and even thigh kicks can be easily grabbed 

calf kicks ,not so much 

A guy used to try and do that to me with no setup,  he used to kick hard too but I could check it because I could see it coming.  With some set up that would suck,  especially if you kicked with the lead leg

My teacher taught my a counter kick to the calf after a parry.   He told me year ago to kick the calf because it's the most painful kick

Sanda, I think.

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Newaza freak - 

The distance in mma is much farther than muaythai and as stated before ,fighters are more squared up in Muaythai ,which make calf kicks harder to land 

In mma (unlike other combat sports ) kicks can be easily grabbed ,inorder to take you to the ground and win close rounds. 


calf kicks have not only become popular (In mma ) because of its damage & effectiveness but also because they are harder to grabb inorder to convert to takedowns 

midrange kicks to the body ,high kicks and even thigh kicks can be easily grabbed 

calf kicks ,not so much 

Big up NF, thanks for the info. So it exists in Thai/KB but uncommon?

Yes good point that they are harder to grab tho Connor did. Also don’t u wonder why front kicks aren’t more used precisely as they are harder to grab? Connor was one of the few that has used them to good effect in the UFC aside from Jones. Connor ate Mendes up with them…threw 1 or 2 on Khabib, not sure if he any vs Dustin?

Wasa-B - While im not a Thai or KB expert, I don't think ive seen those in them. Were they an MMA invention? Benson is often cited as one of the first guys to do it? If they aren't done in KB, why? Why do they only kick to the thigh and not the calf?

They are super easy to block and again highlight the basic nature of MMA kicking/striking techniques.

Here is a great little tutorial and write up on the kick. MMA stands usually has the lead leg turned in word slightly, and my time is more squared up, so it’s harder to land in Mai Tai. So they do not throw the cake as often in my time. But here’s a great clip.

I do not know how to embed,someone help. Thanks in advance.

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ChinoV - Here is a great little tutorial and write up on the kick. MMA stands usually has the lead leg turned in word slightly, and my time is more squared up, so it’s harder to land in Mai Tai. So they do not throw the cake as often in my time. But here’s a great clip.

I do not know how to embed,someone help. Thanks in advance.

Damien Trainor on Instagram: "CALF KICKS: Calf kicks have become very popular in MMA of late. That’s probably because there isn’t really much you can do to condition the calf and a lot of stances in MMA have the lead foot pointed inward slightly. This makes it a little trickier to check. ⁣ ⁣ Calf kicks have been around in Muay Thai for quite some time (at a guess I’d say in other striking based martial arts too). However, they aren’t as devastating in the sport, basically because they’re a little harder to land. ⁣ ⁣ The Muay Thai stance is quite square on and the lead foot is either pointed straight or slight outward. This is so that you’re in a position to quickly defend the roundhouse kick (remember this kick is the kick that’s used most in Muay Thai). ⁣ ⁣ So checking a straight thrown calf kick is actually pretty easy to land one effectively in Muay Thai the opponent must either not try to defend it at all....or you have to come at it from a different angle. (I’m not saying MMA fighters need to change their stance as this can open them up for other attacks)⁣ ⁣ This footage was taken in 2003 when P’Chong was showing me how to kick the calf of someone who checks low kicks (after this is when he showed me my trademark sweep).⁣ ⁣ As you can see the set up is very similar to my sweep but rather than sweeping the kick the calf. ⁣ ⁣ You step around slightly so that your kick misses the defending opponent’s shin and comes flush against their calf. ⁣ ⁣ Have a mess around with in training (gently as you don’t want to put your partner out of commission) and see how you get on.⁣ ⁣ #muaythai #mma #kickboxing #boxing #fitness #bjj #jiujitsu #ufc #martialarts #kstarlegacy #karate #wrestling #thaiboxing #training #fight #fighter #grappling #workout #judo #k #mixedmartialarts #damientrainor #selfdefense #taekwondo #nakmuay #motivation #sport #calfkick #brazilianjiujitsu #bhfyp"

I tried posting this in another thread.

everyone is going full retard over calf kicks.  


mma stances are different than a traditional Thai stance.  Connors stance is even more susceptible than a normal mma stance is.  


If he had taken the stance he did in the second Diaz fight, where his game plan was to throw leg kicks, where he also would’ve been able to defend easier, this wouldn’t have happened.

you’d be seeing a lot more broken shins in Thai boxing if everybody started spamming calf kicks cuz they’re easy to defend  

Wasa-B - While im not a Thai or KB expert, I don't think ive seen those in them. Were they an MMA invention? Benson is often cited as one of the first guys to do it? If they aren't done in KB, why? Why do they only kick to the thigh and not the calf?

They are super easy to block and again highlight the basic nature of MMA kicking/striking techniques.

Here we go.

Rob Kaman

On a SideNote -
Wasa-B - While im not a Thai or KB expert, I don't think ive seen those in them. Were they an MMA invention? Benson is often cited as one of the first guys to do it? If they aren't done in KB, why? Why do they only kick to the thigh and not the calf?

They are super easy to block and again highlight the basic nature of MMA kicking/striking techniques.

Here we go.

Not easy to block unless you’re standing extremely upright in more of Muay Thai stance where the weight isn’t on your lead leg. Conor’s low wide stance makes it almost impossible to check those kicks