The CRANE Pass by Alberto Crane (vid)

sankyo - I heard the same thing at the tourney. Someone got punched in the face while in the stands. I just kept thinking it was probably some meat-heads getting into it and representing BJJ in a negative light. Then I heard people saying that Alberto Crane punched someone while he had a baby in his arms. I was like WTF... Then I started to think that this guy must of done something to the baby or something because why would a well respected and known Gracie Barra Black Belt punch someone in the stands at a tournament (other than self-defense). Wow...I smell a lawsuit.


sankyo - I heard the same thing at the tourney. Someone got punched in the face while in the stands. I just kept thinking it was probably some meat-heads getting into it and representing BJJ in a negative light. Then I heard people saying that Alberto Crane punched someone while he had a baby in his arms. I was like WTF... Then I started to think that this guy must of done something to the baby or something because why would a well respected and known Gracie Barra Black Belt punch someone in the stands at a tournament (other than self-defense). Wow...I smell a lawsuit.

from the multiple reports on it, it was a complete bitch move by Crane as nobody is going to try to hit a person holding a baby. Glad Huerta beat the shit out of him in his UFC fight now a few years back, classless.

 total douche nozzle............ I would have had his ass thrown in jail.....



keep it classy!