The cure for back pain


bump for buddy on og

my sister had back pain for years.

just got a surgery where they burn the nerve and she says it helped tremendously


ttt for the bros suffering right now on mbns back pain thread.

sparkuri - Sweet.

So nice to have a copy/paste from a common physical therapist regime.

I have a recipe for that re-occurring heartburn:

Eat 3 meals a day, at exactly the same time.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol, and avoid any foods that cause flare-up.


How does eating all your meals at the same time help your digestion? Gorging like that seems like it would be bad for you.



Get strong. Learn how to hinge properly and lift weights.

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Swimming has helped my back and joints more than anything.

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Sub, been having a lot lately so staying away from sqauts and deadlifts so want this to go away so I can get back at doing them

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Maybe putting in a tampon would help

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Nah they were sold out, they said you bought them all up creating a shortage worse than the baby formula problem, they said you cleaned out the lubrication and adult diaper section as well. Not sure what you are into but its 2022 so I guess anything goes these days. I am still not used to your pronouns though was it they/them or zee/zir?

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Dealing with some back issues after heavy kettlebell swings, been using the “slant board “ to get a good stretch

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Bro this routine saved my chronic backpain from back i nthe day.


Deadlifts and squats done correctly, with a slow but steady incremental increase in weight over time

Well, I squatted yesterday and burned out with swings. I rolled today too even though I was sore as shit.


Stop stretching injured muscles. If you’re injuring your back doing swings you’re doing something wrong. Lower the weight and check your form. Stop if you get sloppy. Don’t fuck around with compound movements. Be as strict as possible.