'The government is never gonna take care of you': Dana White not in favor of free pre-K or college

Just because idiots have kids doesn’t mean they’re entitled to my money or yours.


Different perspectives. Youre not qrong to think the way you do, but if everyone was as cold as you appear to be, then it would suck more than it already does.
Kids that need help and dont get it, grow up to be criminals that create even bigger problems.
Ill always try to help. Its who I am. You can continue to turn your back on the needy, thats just who you are.


I agree with this point as well. Personally, I dont think people should be allowed to randomly habe kids any more. Society is advanced enough that when you want to have a kid, you should have to fill out paper work and take a series of tests to see if you are capable of being a good parent.
The days of having a kid after a one night stand should be done.

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And thanks for calmly disagreeing with me. I enjoy the banter.

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Except I don’t do that. At all. And my post history on here serves as evidence of that.

I’ve raised over 50k for OGers in need over the years. And that is not by any stretch of the imagination the limits of my charity.

You’re conflating voluntary charity(a great thing) with forced charity(stealing). I am in favor of one, but not the other.

So, what you do… helping kids of your own volition… I am very much in favor of that. And good on you for doing it.

What I am not in favor of is forcing the taxpayer to pay for this type of shit.

Charity is to come from the heart, as yours clearly does. It is not to come by force under threat of imprisonment(taxes).


Same to you.

OP is a disingenuous twat. He took a quote from Dana and attributed things to it that were never even said. The definition of fake news.

This isn’t even the first time he’s done this with Dana White. Recently he claimed Dana said he was going to run over innocent scared Americans.

Elias Cepeda was better than this garbage.


The fact that taxes are percentage based and not an absolute figure just show how rigged the system is against rich people.

We cost the government relatively similar amounts of money.

And this is enforced by who? The government?

You want to live in a world where you can’t fuck your wife without submitting a written document to the government? What happens if you don’t submit the form and get your wife pregnant? The government forces an abortion on her? The government rips the child away upon birth and forces them into a foster home situation?

I don’t think you thought through your own idea beyond the moment it sprung into your head.

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People need roads being paved. Government tax takes care of it right? Theres multiple avenues of need that the government is responsible for. If someone live in an area that has earthquakes or other natural disasters, the government should help them.
Most people are selfish assholes, so a good governemnt should step in and do whats best for the people because individuals arent smart enough to do it themselves.

And I agree about charity coming from the heart, but the government isnt a charity. Its a busines whose responsibility is maintaining the standard of its governance.
And good shit about helping the UG people that need help, sincerely. Perhaps, you aint as tough as you seem :wink:

The public indoctrination system, sorry public education, is a complete failure.

It should be ended immediately along with property taxes.


What do you think governments are comprised of?

You think that if government didn’t exist, nobody would build a road? Why? There would be an opening in the market. Somebody would open a road building business. Business owners want people to be able to travel to their location, so they would hire the best road building company to keep the road to their business in good condition.

People who are wrapped up in the idea that government is necessary are hopeless. Government initiatives aren’t efficient. Private industry always does a better job, as their livelihood literally depends on them doing so. There is no such incentive for government workers.

Lots of countries where government doesn’t build roads and you’re right private property owners step up but the roads are very inconsistent and you end up with lack of highways, not good connectivity town to town city to city. You’ll have huge developer build entire communities and roads are excellent but then they are connecting to like dirt roads


If taxes are used to fund something, it isn’t “free.”

Adult basement dwellers who live with their parents’ need to learn what FREE actually means. I paid for college. If you want to go, so should you. None of my tax dollars should be wasted on your liberal arts degree (or any degree, for that matter).


Not for married people. But drunk college kids and high school kids yes. Marriage is different.
Again its just my thought

If you don’t pay for something you don’t value it.

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So not only do you support increased big government theft through taxation, but also promote Chinese level authoritarian control over who is politically eligible to have kids? Sounds like you’re a real commie asshole.

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You think taxes are theft? I think thats a juvenile way of looking at it. I think our taxes should go to bettering the country. When I was a kid and got my first job, when I got my first check, I was super pissed about taxes. Now Im 38. I understand the importance. We all just have our own beliefs in how to spend them. Im all about helping kids and the poor. I feel like if we do that, after like 50 years, we may have noticeably less crime. I could be wrong tho. Perhaps I’m an idealist.

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I look at this conversation with a non biased speculation is you guys are all right for the most part. They make good points and so do you. I understand what you’re saying but I just think people are taking your words wrong. I may be wrong but what I think your trying to say is you just want them to do better and you have no problem paying your share? If that correct then I’m with you on that for sure

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